Link Policy

Site Users
The links on this website (including hyperlinks, banners, buttons, logos, and/or other referral devices) are provided strictly for the use and convenience of our users. Unless specifically noted, the appearance of a link does not constitute an endorsement, recommendation or certification by TAPPI, nor should it be construed as a representation of any relationship or affiliation with TAPPI. TAPPI does not share any personally identifiable information about you with the websites to which it maintains a link.

Links from TAPPI
Web sites and pages that TAPPI.ORG links to must contain information that:

  • Relates to the mission of TAPPI.ORG
  • Complements and enhances the information on TAPPI.ORG
  • Adheres to adequate policies regarding external links, and privacy of user data

All submissions will be reviewed by TAPPI and will be subject to periodic review for compliance. Submit a link by sending an email request to TAPPI is not responsible for the content of the websites or for the use of information by the websites to which TAPPI.ORG maintains a link.

Links To TAPPI
Web sites and pages that link to TAPPI.ORG shall:

  • Not present the link in such a manner as to suggest that TAPPI has a relationship or affiliation with the site or that TAPPI in any way endorses sponsors or recommends the products, services, or content offered on the site.

TAPPI may revise this policy at any time.