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National Labs explore energy-efficient solutions for paper industry

Researchers at two national laboratories are developing new computer simulations that could help papermakers improve energy efficiency and cut energy costs. The project is part of the Department of Energy’s HPC4Mfg initiative, a multi-lab effort to use high-performance computing to address complex challenges in US manufacturing. Project outcomes could have significant benefits; the papermaking industry ranks third among the nation’s largest energy users, behind only petroleum-refining and chemical production, according to the US Energy Information Administration.

Open Access
Multifunctional starch-based barrier materials, TAPPI Journal August 2021

Application: This paper highlights ways for industry to explore new ways of using starches for traditional and non-traditional barrier applications. TAPPI conference proceedings and presentations, technical papers, and publication articles provide technical and management data and solutions on topics covering the Pulp, Paper, Tissue, Corrugated Packaging, Flexible Packaging, Nanotechnology and Converting Industries. Simply select the quantity, add to your cart and your conference paper, presentation or article will be available for immediate download.

Is Society’s Disposable Lifestyle Choking Our Oceans?

Sustainable alternatives to single-use plastics is gaining momentum. Learn about potential bio-based solutions at IBBC 2022

Experts Sought for PEERS 2022

Share your knowledge and expertise at PEERS 2022 and help shape the future of the industry.

Clarifying Tanks Holding You Back?

Learn how a new technology can increase production capacity with existing tanks at PEERS 2022

Don’t Run Afoul With Your Pipes

Learn how to avoid a shutdown due to fouling in your pipeline at PEERS 2022

Popular Hot Topics Breakfasts Sizzle at PEERS/IBBC 2022

Join one or more of the 14 roundtable discussions focused on the latest technical developments and operational problems affecting your mill and enjoy breakfast, too!

Hands-On Learning Experience Offered at PEERS 2022

Expert-led workshops offer insight on how to improve your bottom line performance

Industry SMEs Invited to Present at IBBC 2022

Be part of an esteemed group of industry professionals.

PEERS 2023 Call for Papers Open

Share your knowledge and expertise at the industry’s foremost technical event for pulp manufacturers. Abstract deadline is March 17, 2023.