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Journal articles
Open Access
A wet-laid process for the preparation of random fiber-reinforced composites, TAPPI JOURNAL August 1988

A wet-laid process for the preparation of random fiber-reinforced composites, TAPPI JOURNAL August 1988

Journal articles
Open Access
Effect of reduced pulp xylan content on wet end chemistry and paper properties â?? a pilot scale study, TAPPI JOURNAL February 2014

Effect of reduced pulp xylan content on wet end chemistry and paper properties — a pilot scale study, TAPPI JOURNAL February 2014

Journal articles
Open Access
Statistical modeling and sizing determination guides for dispersed rosin sizes, Solutions! & TAPPI JOURNAL, September 2004, Vol. 3(9) (250KB)

Statistical modeling and sizing determination guides for dispersed rosin sizes, Solutions! & TAPPI JOURNAL, September 2004, Vol. 3(9) (250KB)

Journal articles
Open Access
How polymers strengthen filled papers, TAPPI JOURNAL, November 2005, Vol. 4(11) (452 KB)

How polymers strengthen filled papers, TAPPI JOURNAL, November 2005, Vol. 4(11) (452 KB)

Journal articles
Open Access
The influence of impulse drying on the performances of papers containing cationic starch and calcium carbonate, TAPPI JOURNAL, November 2002, Vol. 1(9) (512KB)

The influence of impulse drying on the performances of papers containing cationic starch and calcium carbonate, Solutions! & TAPPI JOURNAL, November 2002, Vol. 1(9) (512KB)

Journal articles
Open Access
Where to add retention aid: issues of time and shear, TAPPI JOURNAL, March 2002 (174KB)

Where to add retention aid: issues of time and shear, SOLUTIONS & TAPPI JOURNAL, March 2002 (174KB)

Journal articles
Open Access
Predicting the press dewatering of heavyweight grades, TAPPI JOURNAL, February 2000, Vol. 83(2)

Predicting the press dewatering of heavyweight grades, TAPPI JOURNAL, February 2000, Vol. 83(2)

Journal articles
Magazine articles
Open Access
The Shendye-Fleming OBA Index for paper and paperboard, TAPPI Journal March 2022

ABSTRACT: We are proposing a new one-dimensional scale to calculate the effects of optical brightening agents (OBA) on the bluish appearance of paper. This index is separate from brightness and whiteness indices.In the paper industry, one-dimensional scales are widely used for determining optical properties of paper and paperboard. Whiteness, tint, brightness, yellowness, and opacity are the most common optical properties of paper and paperboard. Most of the papers have a blue cast generated by addition of OBA or blue dyes. This blue cast is given because of the human perception that bluer is whiter, up to a certain limit. To quantify this effect, it is necessary to determine how much blue cast paper and paperboard have. As the printing industry follows the ISO 3664 Standard for viewing, which has a D50 light source, this also plays a very important role in showing a blue cast. Color perception is based on light source and light reflected from an object. The ultraviolet (UV) component in D50 interacts with OBA to provide a reflection in the blue region of the visible spectrum. Use of a UV blocking filter results in measurements without the effect of emission in the blue region. This difference is used in determining the OBA effect in the visible range of the paper. This equation is known as the Shendye-Fleming OBA Index.

Journal articles
Magazine articles
Open Access
Considerations in managing wastewater odor at pulp and paper operations, TAPPI Journal March 2022

ABSTRACT: Many pulp and paper mills are, at least periodically, faced with the release of odors that can migrate offsite and be considered a nuisance by nearby residents. At chemical pulp mills, perceptible odors associated with reduced sulfur compounds (RSCs) are common, many of which are highly perceptible owing to their low odor thresholds. As releases of RSCs and other odorous substances from production processes are progressively controlled, the proportional contribution from wastewater treatment systems to areal odors can increase. This review paper summarizes important fundamentals of odor generation, source identification, and control. Common odorous substances are identified, and mechanisms for their generation are summarized. Approaches for measuring odorous substances are detailed to enable more effective management, and various odor control strategies are discussed.

Journal articles
Magazine articles
Open Access
Temperature profile measurement applications of moving webs and roll structures with intelligent roll embedded sensor technology

ABSTRACT: An intelligent roll for sheet and roll cover temperature profiles is a mechatronic system consisting of a roll in a web handling machine that is also used as a transducer for sensing cross-machine direction (CD) profiles. The embedded temperature sensor strips are mounted under or inside the roll cover, covering the full width of the roll’s cross-dimensional length. The sensor system offers new opportunities for online temperature measurement through exceptional sensitivity and resolution, without adding external measurement devices. The measurement is contacting, making it free from various disturbances affecting non-contacting temperature measurements, and it can show the roll cover’s internal temperatures. This helps create applications that have been impossible with traditional technology, with opportunities for process control and condition monitoring. An application used for process analysis services without adding a roll cover is made with “iRoll Portable Temperature” by mounting the sensor on the shell in a helical arrangement with special taping. The iRoll Temperature sensors are used for various purposes, depending on the application. The two main targets are the online temperature profile measurement of the moving web and the monitoring of the roll covers’ internal temperatures. The online sheet temperature profile has its main utilization in optimizing moisture profiles and drying processes. This enables the removal of speed and runnability bottlenecks by detecting inadequate drying capacity across the sheet CD width, the monitoring condition of the drying equipment, the optimization of drying energy consumption, the prevention of unnecessary over-drying, the optimization of the float drying of coating colors, and the detection of reasons for moisture profile errors. This paper describes this novel technology and its use cases in the paper, board, and tissue industry, but the application can be extended to pulp drying and industries outside pulp and paper, such as the converting and manufacture of plastic films.