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Showing 101–110 of 1,771 results (Duration : 0.011 seconds)
Conference papers
Particle Image Velocimetry Investigation of Recovery Boiler

Particle Image Velocimetry Investigation of Recovery Boiler Flows, 1994 Engineering Conference Proceedings

Conference papers
Video Surveillance Trouble Shooting at LSPI, 1994 Engineerin

Video Surveillance Trouble Shooting at LSPI, 1994 Engineering Conference Proceedings

Conference papers
Power Distribution and Switchgear Modernization Including Ce

Power Distribution and Switchgear Modernization Including Centralized Power Monitoring, 1994 Engineering Conference Proceedings

Conference papers
Dynamic Design of Paper Machine Foundations, A Relatively Si

Dynamic Design of Paper Machine Foundations, A Relatively Simple Example, 1994 Engineering Conference Proceedings

Conference papers
Predictions of the Gas Flow Pattern and Mass Transfer to a C

Predictions of the Gas Flow Pattern and Mass Transfer to a Char Bed in a Recovery Boiler Using Computational Fluid Dynamics, 1994 Engineering Conference Proceedings

Conference papers
Real-Time, Model-Based Power Plant Optimizer Significantly R

Real-Time, Model-Based Power Plant Optimizer Significantly Reduces Energy Costs at Southeast Paper, 1994 Engineering Conference Proceedings

Conference papers
Timely Pinch Analysis Improves Energy Efficiency of New Pulp

Timely Pinch Analysis Improves Energy Efficiency of New Pulping Process, 1994 Engineering Conference Proceedings

Conference papers
Advanced Resin Composite Calender Roll Covers, 1994 Engineer

Advanced Resin Composite Calender Roll Covers, 1994 Engineering Conference Proceedings

Conference papers
Troubleshooting the Press and Dryer Sections, 1995 Engineeri

Troubleshooting the Press and Dryer Sections, 1995 Engineering Conference Proceedings

Conference papers
Analysis of Lubrication for Controlled-Crown Press Rolls: A

Analysis of Lubrication for Controlled-Crown Press Rolls: A Parametric Study, 1995 Engineering Conference Proceedings