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Black liquor evaporator upgrades— life cycle cost analysis, TAPPI Journal March 2021

ABSTRACT: Black liquor evaporation is generally the most energy intensive unit operation in a pulp and paper manufacturing facility. The black liquor evaporators can represent a third or more of the total mill steam usage, followed by the paper machine and digester. Evaporator steam economy is defined as the unit mass of steam required to evaporate a unit mass of water from black liquor (i.e., lb/lb or kg/kg.) The economy is determined by the number of effects in an evaporator train and the system configuration. Older systems use four to six effects, most of which are the long tube vertical rising film type. Newer systems may be designed with seven or even eight effects using falling film and forced circulation crystallization technology for high product solids. The median age of all North American evaporator systems is 44 years. Roughly 25% of the current North American operating systems are 54 years or older. Older systems require more periodic maintenance and have a higher risk of unplanned downtime. Also, older systems have chronic issues with persistent liquor and vapor leaks, shell wall thinning, corrosion, and plugged tubes. Often these issues worsen to the point of requiring rebuild or replacement. When considering the age, technology, and lower efficiency of older systems, a major rebuild or new system may be warranted. The intent of this paper is to review the current state of black liquor evaporator systems in North America and present a basic method for determining whether a major rebuild or new installation is warrant-ed using total life cycle cost analysis (LCCA).

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Can carbon capture be a new revenue opportunity for the pulp and paper sector?, TAPPI Journal August 2021

ABSTRACT: Transition towards carbon neutrality will require application of negative carbon emission technologies (NETs). This creates a new opportunity for the industry in the near future. The pulp and paper industry already utilizes vast amounts of biomass and produces large amounts of biogenic carbon dioxide. The industry is well poised for the use of bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS), which is considered as one of the key NETs. If the captured carbon dioxide can be used to manufacture green fuels to replace fossil ones, then this will generate a huge additional market where pulp and paper mills are on the front line. The objective of this study is to evaluate future trends and policies affecting the pulp and paper industry and to describe how a carbon neutral or carbon negative pulp and paper production process can be viable. Such policies include, as examples, price of carbon dioxide allowances or support for green fuel production and BECCS implementation. It is known that profitability differs depending on mill type, performance, energy efficiency, or carbon dioxide intensity. The results give fresh understanding on the potential for investing in negative emission technologies. Carbon capture or green fuel production can be economical with an emission trade system, depending on electricity price, green fuel price, negative emission credit, and a mill’s emission profile. However, feasibility does not seem to evidently correlate with the performance, technical age, or the measured efficiency of the mill.

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Gas dispersion in the oxygen delignification process, TAPPI Journal May 2021

ABSTRACT: There has been very little knowledge about the state of gas dispersion in the oxygen delignification process, even though this has a major impact on the performance of the reactor. This paper presents a new continu-ous inline method for measuring oxygen bubble size distribution in the reactor, as well as results from studies con-ducted in softwood and hardwood lines. This new measurement worked well, and new information about oxygen bubble size, as well as how different reactor conditions affected the distribution, was obtained. For example:œ In the softwood line, the mean volume-weighted bubble size was about 0.1 mm, whereas in the hardwood line, this size was almost 10 times higher. For both lines, there was considerable variation in the measured bubble size over the long term.œ For both lines, an increase in mixer rotation speed caused a discernible decrease in the bubble size, and an increase in oxygen charge caused a discernible increase in the bubble size.œ In the softwood line, no coalescence of the bubbles in the reactor was observed, but in the hardwood line, some coalescence of the larger bubbles occurred.œ In the test conducted in the hardwood line, the use of brownstock washer defoamer caused a discernible increase in oxygen bubble size.œ In the hardwood line, reactor pressure had a noticeable effect on the amount of delignification, which indicated that improving mass transfer of oxygen (e.g., by decreasing the oxygen bubble size, in this case) should also have an increasing effect on the delignification.

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The role of gas dispersion in the oxygen delignification process, TAPPI Journal May 2021

ABSTRACT: Oxygen delignification is an essential part of the pulp production process. Delignification occurs with the aid of alkali and dissolved oxygen. Dissolved oxygen is obtained by dispersing oxygen gas into the pulp suspension by using efficient mixers. Little is known about the state of oxygen gas dispersion and its effect on oxygen delignification kinetics and efficiency. This paper will present the results for the effect of gas bubble size on the performance of oxygen delignification. The results are mainly based on detailed studies made in a Finnish hardwood mill where the oxygen bubble size distribution could be altered at the feed of the reactor. An essential aspect of these studies was the use of a new continuous inline gas bubble size measurement system to simultaneously determine the bubble size distribution at the feed and top of the reactor. Information about oxygen consumption in the reactor could also be obtained through the bubble size measurements. Accordingly, these studies quantify the effect of oxygen bubble size on the kappa reduction of the pulp. The effect of different chemical factors on the oxygen bubble size is also studied.Finally, the relationship between the gas bubble size and the liquid phase oxygen mass transfer coefficient (kLa) is presented. This connects the bubble size to the kappa reduction rate. Based on the presented modeling approach and the evaluation of practical factors that are not taken into account in the modeling, it was concluded that the volumetric average oxygen bubble size should preferably be smaller than 0.2 mm in practice.The information obtained with the new gas bubble size measurement system and the presented modeling approach give a very new basis for understanding, monitoring, adjusting, and designing oxygen delignification processes.

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Compression refining: the future of refining? Application to Nordic bleached softwood kraft pulp, TAPPI Journal August 2024

ABSTRACT: A new compression refining technology based on the kneading of high consistency pulp has been selected and tested in various conditions with a model Nordic bleached softwood kraft (NBSK) pulp. The method uses a kneader mixer referred to as the ultra continuous mixer (UCM) to condition the pulp. Its performance levels were also compared with those obtained with traditional low consistency (LC) refining of the same pulp.Compression refining of the NBSK pulp with the UCM led to a much better °SR/strength compromise than conventional LC refining. High strength properties can also be achieved by compression refining, in a range similar to/or better than LC refining. The higher the strength required, the greater the advantages of this technology: for a given strength, a difference of up to 10°SR can be obtained as compared to LC refined pulp. Moreover, a higher tear index can be obtained with compression refining, since fiber cutting is greatly reduced.The lower °SR is due to the release of fewer cellulosic fines, which also results in the manufacturing of new papers combining a high strength and a high permeability that cannot be obtained with traditional LC refining. Indeed, with LC refining, a high strength is generally associated with a low permeability. Upscaling this technology seems to be possible since large production devices are already on the market for applications other than paper/pulp. With this new pulp behavior, papermakers will have to learn to think differently, as paper strength and °SR can now be decorrelated.

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Utilization of Areca leaf residues for sustainable production of greyboard, TAPPI Journal May 2024

ABSTRACT: This study primarily focused on the production of greyboard using waste materials from small scale industries, and specifically using Areca leaf waste fibers as a sustainable and environmentally friendly resource. Areca leaf waste fibers were employed as the primary raw material for greyboard manufacturing. The resulting greyboard exhibited commendable properties, including a tear index of 7.53 mN·m2/g, tensile index of 18.34·N·m/g (i.e., breaking length of 1870 m), burst factor of 9.24 (gf/cm2)/(g/m2) and stiffness factor of 33.1. This greyboard was created through a series of steps, including hydrothermal treatment of the material at 155°C and mechanical pulping refinement. The produced greyboard met the specifications outlined in the Indian Standard 2617 (1967) for greyboard. The key objective of this work was to leverage agricultural waste resources to develop a chemical-free greyboard, resulting in reduced waste disposal in open fields and a decrease in chemical usage within the greyboard manufacturing industry. Various characterization techniques, including field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), attenuated total reflection•Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) analysis, and X-ray diffraction (XRD), were used to assess the fiber quality, including aspects such as functional groups, morphology, and crystallinity for the materials used in the manufacturing process.

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A case study review of wood ash land application programs in North America, TAPPI Journal February 2021

ABSTRACT: Several regulatory agencies and universities have published guidelines addressing the use of wood ash as liming material for agricultural land and as a soil amendment and fertilizer. This paper summarizes the experiences collected from several forest products facility-sponsored agricultural application programs across North America. These case studies are characterized in terms of the quality of the wood ash involved in the agricultural application, approval requirements, recommended management practices, agricultural benefits of wood ash, and challenges confronted by ash generators and farmers during storage, handling, and land application of wood ash.Reported benefits associated with land-applying wood ash include increasing the pH of acidic soils, improving soil quality, and increasing crop yields. Farmers apply wood ash on their land because in addition to its liming value, it has been shown to effectively fertilize the soil while maintaining soil pH at a level that is optimal for plant growth. Given the content of calcium, potassium, and magnesium that wood ash supplies to the soil, wood ash also improves soil tilth. Wood ash has also proven to be a cost-effective alternative to agricultural lime, especially in rural areas where access to commercial agricultural lime is limited. Some of the challenges identified in the review of case studies include lengthy application approvals in some jurisdictions; weather-related issues associated with delivery, storage, and application of wood ash; maintaining consistent ash quality; inaccurate assessment of required ash testing; potential increased equipment maintenance; and misconceptions on the part of some farmers and government agencies regarding the effect and efficacy of wood ash on soil quality and crop productivity.

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Cross-flow separation characteristics and piloting of graphene oxide nanofiltration membrane sheets and tubes for kraft black liquor concentration, TAPPI Journal September 2023

ABSTRACT: Dewatering of weak black liquor (WBL) in the kraft cycle by evaporation is highly energy intensive. Membranes are an attractive alternative for energy-efficient dewatering, but existing commercial polymeric or ceramic membranes are either degraded in BL or have high capital costs. Our recent works have demonstrated the engineering of graphene oxide (GO) nanofiltration membranes, their stability and promising performance in BL conditions, and preliminary scale-up into sheets and tubes. Here, we describe in detail the separation characteristics of GO membrane sheets and tubes under real BL conditions and crossflow operation. Recycle-mode piloting of a GO tubular membrane showed average “production flux” of 16 L/m2/h (LMH) and high rejections of lignin (98.3%), total solids (66%), and total organic carbon (83%), with no signs of irreversible fouling identified. A corresponding GO sheet membrane produced an average flux of ~25 LMH and maintained high lignin rejection of ~97% during a slipstream pilot at a kraft mill site using WBL with ~16 wt% total solids (TS). Finally, we piloted a Dow/DuPont XUS1808 polyamide composite reverse osmosis (RO) membrane for last-mile processing of the GO nanofiltration membrane permeate. The RO membrane showed a steady state flux of 19 LMH at 65 bar and produced ~0.02 wt% TS water product, which is highly suitable for reuse in pulp washing operations in the kraft process. The results have strong positive implications for the industrial application of GO membranes in BL concentration and other related applications.

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Lignin-based resins for kraft paper applications, TAPPI Journal November 2019

ABSTRACT: We investigated miscanthus (MS) and willow (W) lignin-furfural based resins as potential reinforce-ment agents on softwood and hardwood kraft paper. These resins might be sustainable alternatives to the commercial phenolformaldehyde (PF) resins. Phenol is a petrochemical product and formaldehyde has been classified as a carcinogen by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The lignin used in this study was derived from hot water extraction (160ºC, 2 h) of MS and W biomass, and may be considered sulfur-free. These biorefinery lignins were characterized for their chemical composition and inherent properties via wet chemistry and instrumental techniques. The resin blends (MS-resin and W-resin) were characterized for their molecular weight, thermal behavior, and mechanical properties. Mechanical properties were measured by the resin’s ability to reinforce softwood and hard-wood kraft papers. The effect of adding hexamethylenetetramine (HMTA), a curing agent, to the resin was also examined. Mixtures of PF and lignin-based resins were investigated to further explore ways to reduce use of non-renewables, phenol, and carcinogenic formaldehyde. The results show that lignin-based resins have the potential to replace PF resins in kraft paper applications. For softwood paper, the highest strength was achieved using W-resin, without HMTA (2.5 times greater than PF with HMTA). For hardwood paper, MS-resin with HMTA gave the highest strength (2.3 times higher than PF with HMTA). The lignin-based resins, without HMTA, also yielded mechanical properties comparable to PF with HMTA.

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Addressing production bottlenecks and brownstock washer optimization via a membrane concentration system, TAPPI Journal July 2021

ABSTRACT: Advancements in membrane systems indicate that they will soon be robust enough to concentrate weak black liquor. To date, the economic impact of membrane systems on brownstock washing in kraft mills has not been studied and is necessary to understand the viability of these emerging systems and their best utilization.This study investigated the savings that a membrane system can generate related to brownstock washing. We found that evaporation costs are the primary barrier for mills seeking to increase wash water usage. Without these additional evaporation costs, we showed that our hypothetical 1000 tons/day bleached and brown pulp mills can achieve annual savings of over $1.0 MM when operating at higher dilution factors and fixed pulp production rate. We then investigated the impact of increasing pulp production on mills limited by their equipment. In washer-limited mill examples, we calculated that membrane systems can reduce the annual operating cost for a 7% production increase by 91%. Similarly, in evaporator-limited mill examples, membrane systems can reduce the annual operating cost for a 7% production increase by 86%. These results indicated that membrane systems make a production increase significantly more feasible for these equipment-limited mills.