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Paper Machine Dryer Journal Fatigue Failure Risk Reduction, 2008 Engineering, Pulping and Environmental Conference

Paper Machine Dryer Journal Fatigue Failure Risk Reduction, 2008 Engineering, Pulping and Environmental Conference

Journal articles
Magazine articles
Open Access
Pilot scale black liquor concentration using pressure driven membrane separation, TAPPI Journal April 2023

ABSTRACT: Black liquor concentration using pressure driven membrane separation has long been proposed as a means of achieving energy savings and breaking production bottlenecks. To date, limitations in membrane performance and stability under black liquor process conditions have prevented those promises from being realized out-side of tightly controlled laboratory settings. In this work, we describe the first successful pilot scale field deployments of a membrane system for black liquor concentration. Using a purpose-built system and commercial sized, spiral wound graphene oxide membrane elements, we have logged nearly 6000 h of runtime across deployments to multiple mill sites. We demonstrate concentration of black liquor from 14% to >20% total solids, while generating permeate water comparable in quality to that of evaporator condensate and an 81% reduction in energy consumption relative to evaporation. At a commercial scale, these results translate to $2 M/year in net energy savings for a typical mill, as well as an opportunity to support production increases or mill expansions. These results represent a significant leap forward in the ability of membrane systems to deliver substantial value via black liquor concentration.

Journal articles
Magazine articles
Open Access
Evaluation of soap recovery efficiency from black liquor — analytical tools, TAPPI Journal April 2023

ABSTRACT: Soap skimmings (“soap”) are typically recovered from black liquor in kraft mills that process a high percentage of softwood. In many mills, the recovery of soap is inefficient, negatively impacting performance of evaporators and recovery boilers and resulting in loss of potential revenue. A thorough evaluation of soap recovery performance in a kraft mill requires measurement of soap content in black liquor at various sampling locations, especially around the soap skimmer.The standard laboratory method for evaluating soap content in black liquor is a complex, multi-step process that relies on solvent extraction and titration; most mills send these samples to an outside laboratory for this analysis. In this study, 100 black liquor samples, with a wide range of soap concentrations, were tested by the standard solvent extraction method. After additional dilution, each sample was also tested for surface tension with a bubble pressure tensiometer. The results were found to correlate very closely with the solvent extraction tests results. This alternate method, using surface tension measurements of diluted black liquor samples, produces rapid results and can be easily implemented in most kraft mills, which would facilitate much more frequent in-house evaluations of soap recovery performance.

Journal articles
Magazine articles
Open Access
Value creation by converting pulp mill flue gas streams to green fuels, TAPPI Journal March 2023

ABSTRACT: Climate change mitigation induces strong growth in renewable electricity production, partly driven by shifts in environmental policies and regulation. Intermittent renewable electricity requires supporting systems in the form of sustainable hydrocarbon chemicals such as transportation fuels. Bulk chemical production fits well into a pulp mill environment, given their large volumes, stable operation, and ample supply of biomass-based carbon feed-stock in the form of flue gases. Until now, the utilization of the flue gases from conventional operation of a pulp mill has received little attention. Harnessing these flue gases into usable products could offer additional value to mill operators, while also diversifying their product portfolio. However, electricity-based fuels and products require extra energy in the conversion step and may not be commercially competitive with current fossil products under the current regulation. There might also be uncertainties about future commodity prices. Thus, the objective of this study is to estimate the economic competitiveness and the added value of selected side products that could be produced alongside conventional pulp and paper products. A typical modern pulp mill is modeled in different product configurations and operational environments, which allows testing of various development paths. This illustrates how the overall energy and mass balance of a pulp mill would react to changes in different final products and other parameters. The focus of the study is in synthetic methanol, which is produced from flue gases and excess resources from the mill, with minimal interference to the pulping process. The results aid in assessing the necessity and magnitude of a premium payment for subsidizing green alter-natives to replace current fossil fuels and chemicals. Additionally, the results function as an indicator of the development state of the pulp and paper industry in the turmoil of climate change regulation. The results indicate that power-to-X systems offer one more viable pathway alternative for broadening the product portfolio of the pulp and paper sector, as well as opening new flexibility measures and services to grid stabilization. Market conditions were found to have a significant impact on the perceived profitability.

Spotlight: Michael Segal

Michael Segal Professional Member Portland, ME “Hone your expertise” is not just a slogan at TAPPI, it’s reality. Just ask member Michael Segal. Currently the Director of Logistics and Operations

SPOTLIGHT: Larry Anker

Larry Anker Professional Member Sparta, New Jersey Olympic wrestling gold medalist Dan Gable once said, “Once you’ve wrestled, everything else in life is easy.” There may be some truth to that. In

Conference papers
Machine Learning Algorithm for Online Identification of Web End Stability, 21TAPPICon Virtual

Machine Learning Algorithm for Online Identification of Web End Stability, 21TAPPICon Virtual

Steam Explosion Pulping of Aspen Pretreated With Alcohol Mixed with a Non-Sulfur Chemical, 1992 Solvent Pulping Symposium Proceedings

Steam Explosion Pulping of Aspen Pretreated With Alcohol Mixed with a Non-Sulfur Chemical, 1992 Solvent Pulping Symposium Proceedings

Boiler Upgrades to Increase In-House Power Generation, 2008 Engineering, Pulping and Environmental Conference

Boiler Upgrades to Increase In-House Power Generation, 2008 Engineering, Pulping and Environmental Conference

2022 TAPPI Selects Young Professional of the Year

2022 TAPPI Selects Young Professional of the Year The Young Professional of the Year is an annual honor that identifies aspiring young leaders in the global forest products, pulp, paper, tissue,