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Wheat straw as an alternative pulp fiber, TAPPI Journal January 2020

ABSTRACT: The desire to market sustainable packaging materials has led to an interest in the use of various fiber types as a raw material. It has been suggested that the use of annual crops for partial replacement of wood fiber would result in more sustainable products. Several life cycle analyses (LCA) have been performed to evaluate these claims. These LCAs provided conflicting and contradictory results because of the local conditions and the specific pulping processes investigated. Selected LCAs are reviewed and the underlying reasons for these conflicting results are analyzed.

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Open Access
Tetraethyl orthosilicate-containing dispersion coating — water vapor and liquid water barrier properties, TAPPI Journal September 2021

ABSTRACT: An aqueous styrene-butadiene latex dispersion coating containing in-situ processed tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) applied on paperboard demonstrated improved water barrier performance. Coatings containing TEOS equivalent to 0.8% silicon dioxide (SiO2; dry basis) exhibited water vapor performance of < 25 g/m2/day (23°C, 50% relative humidity [RH]) and liquid water barrier performance Cobb 1800 s of < 6 g/m2, when applied as a single-layer 18 g/m2 coating. Cobb 1800 s barrier performance was still good (< 11 g/m2) at coat weights of 7–10 g/m2. The use of filler materials such as kaolin improved the vapor barrier properties of the coating, but this was not critical to the liquid water barrier properties.

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Open Access
Experiments and visualization of sprays from beer can and turbo liquor nozzles, TAPPI Journal February 2022

ABSTRACT: Industrial scale swirl-type black liquor nozzles were studied using water as the test fluid. Simple water spraying experiments were found to be very beneficial for studying and comparing nozzles for black liquor spraying. These kinds of experiments are important for finding better nozzle designs. Three nozzle designs were investigated to understand the functional differences between these nozzles. The pressure loss of nozzle 1 (“tangential swirl”) and nozzle 3 (“turbo”) were 97% and 38% higher compared to nozzle 2 (“tan-gential swirl”). Spray opening angles were 75°, 60°, and 35° for nozzles 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Video imaging showed that the nozzles produced sprays that were inclined a few degrees from the nozzle centerline. Spray patter-nation showed all the sprays to be asymmetric, while nozzle 2 was the most symmetric. Laser-Doppler measure-ments showed large differences in spray velocities between nozzles. The spray velocity for nozzle 1 increased from 9 m/s to 15 m/s when the flow rate was increased from 1.5 L/s to 2.5 L/s. The resulting velocity increase for nozzle 2 was from 7 m/s to 11 m/s, and for nozzle 3, it was from 8 m/s to 13 m/s. Tangential flow (swirl) directed the spray 6°–12° away from the vertical plane. Liquid sheet breakup mechanisms and lengths were estimated by analyzing high speed video images. The liquid sheet breakup mechanism for nozzle 1 was estimated to be wave formation, and the sheet length was estimated to be about 10 cm. Sheet breakup mechanisms for nozzle 2 were wave formation and sheet perforation, and the sheet length was about 20 cm. Nozzle 3 was not supposed to form a liquid sheet. Nozzle geometry was found to greatly affect spray characteristics.

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Open Access
Utilization of kraft pulp mill residuals, TAPPI Journal February 2022

ABSTRACT: Kraft pulp mills produce on average about 100 kg of solid residuals per metric ton of pulp produced. The main types of mill waste are sludge from wastewater treatment plants, ash from hog fuel boilers, dregs, grits, and lime mud from causticizing plants and lime dust from lime kilns. Of these, about half is disposed of in landfills, which highlights the need and potential for waste recycling and utilization. Sludge is either incinerated in hog fuel boilers to generate steam and power or used in various forms of land application, including land spreading, composting, or as an additive for landfill or mine waste covers. The majority of hog fuel boiler ash and causticizing plant residues is landfilled. Alkaline residuals can be conditioned for use in land application, manufacture of construction materials, and production of aggregates for road work. This technical review summarizes residuals utilization methods that have been applied in pulp and paper mills at demonstration- or full-scale, and therefore may act as a guide for mill managers and operators whose goal is to diminish the costs and the environmental impact of waste management.

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Open Access
Development of converging-diverging multi-jet nozzles for molten smelt shattering in kraft recovery boilers, TAPPI Journal March 2021

ABSTRACT: The effective shattering of molten smelt is highly desired in recovery boiler systems. Ideally, shatter jet nozzle designs should: i) generate high shattering energy; ii) create a wide coverage; and iii) minimize steam consumption. This study proposes a novel converging-diverging multi-jet nozzle design to achieve these goals. A laboratory setup was established, and the nozzle performance was evaluated by generating jet pressure profiles from the measurement of a pitot tube array. The results show that the shatter jet strength is greater with a large throat diameter, high inlet pressure, and a short distance between the nozzle exit and impingement position. Increasing the number of orifices generates a wider jet coverage, and the distance between the orifices should be limited to avoid the formation of a low-pressure region between the orifices. The study also demonstrates that an optimized converging-diverging multi-jet nozzle significantly outperformed a conventional shatter jet nozzle by achieving higher energy and wider coverage while consuming less steam.

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Open Access
Considerations in managing wastewater odor at pulp and paper operations, TAPPI Journal March 2022

ABSTRACT: Many pulp and paper mills are, at least periodically, faced with the release of odors that can migrate offsite and be considered a nuisance by nearby residents. At chemical pulp mills, perceptible odors associated with reduced sulfur compounds (RSCs) are common, many of which are highly perceptible owing to their low odor thresholds. As releases of RSCs and other odorous substances from production processes are progressively controlled, the proportional contribution from wastewater treatment systems to areal odors can increase. This review paper summarizes important fundamentals of odor generation, source identification, and control. Common odorous substances are identified, and mechanisms for their generation are summarized. Approaches for measuring odorous substances are detailed to enable more effective management, and various odor control strategies are discussed.

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Open Access
Factors affecting deposit formation in foul condensate stripping systems, TAPPI Journal June 2024

ABSTRACT: In kraft pulp mills, foul condensates are often steam-stripped to produce clean condensate for use as process water. The formation of organic deposits in the stripped condensate is a common problem. A systematic study was conducted to examine the deposit composition and the most likely operating parameters responsible for stripped condensate contamination experienced at a kraft mill in Brazil. Daily averaged data of 170 operating parameters over a 15-month period were analyzed by means of multivariate discriminant analysis and random forest classification analysis. The results showed that the deposit formation is related to high temperature, pressure, and dry solids operations in various evaporator effects. These conditions, combined with the poor demisting efficiency in these effects, may have increased black liquor carryover mist in the vapor. Deposit formation also appeared to be related to increased throughput of the foul condensate stripping system and increased pressure in the stripper. Results of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and pyrolysis-gas chromatography mass spectrometry (Py-GCMS) analyses show that the deposit consists of mostly organic matter that likely originated from wood extractives and lignin.

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Editorial: Special pulping and engineering issues of TAPPI Journal yield important recovery cycle research, TAPPI Journal June 2024

ABSTRACT: The June issue of TAPPI Journal, which is dominated by recovery cycle topics, is the last PEERS issue organized by Dr. Peter Hart, the fomer editor-in-chief who passed away this past May. Peter, who was heavily involved with TAPPI’s Pulp Manufacture Division and various pulping-related committees, also started working with conference technical program planning starting in 2005 with the Engineering, Pulping and Environmental (EPE) Conference, which was the precursor to the more recent Pulping, Engineering, Environmental, Recycling and Sustainability (PEERS) Conference. He was also involved with other conference planning, including that for the International Pulp Bleaching Conference. In addition, Peter was a yearly attendee of such conferences starting as far back as 1990.

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Open Access
Effects of different ammonium lignosulfonate contents on the crystallization, rheological behaviors, and thermal and mechanical properties of ethylene propylene diene monomer/polypropylene/ammonium lignosulfonate composites, TAPPI Journal January 2020

ABSTRACT: Thermoplastic elastomer (TPE), made from ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM) and polypropylene (PP) based on reactive blending, has an excellent processing performance and characteristics and a wide range of applications. However, there are currently no reports in the literature regarding the usage of TPE in making composite boards. In this paper, EPDM, PP, and ammonium lignosulfonate (AL) were used as the raw materials, polyethylene wax was used as the plasticizer, and a dicumyl peroxide vulcanization system with dynamic vulcanization was used to make a new kind of composite material. This research studied the influences of the AL contents on the crystallization behaviors, rheological properties, thermal properties, and mechanical properties of the composites. The results showed that the AL content had a noticeable impact on the performance of the composite board. Accordingly, this kind of composite material can be used as an elastomer material for the core layer of laminated flooring.

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Open Access
Addressing production bottlenecks and brownstock washer optimization via a membrane concentration system, TAPPI Journal July 2021

ABSTRACT: Advancements in membrane systems indicate that they will soon be robust enough to concentrate weak black liquor. To date, the economic impact of membrane systems on brownstock washing in kraft mills has not been studied and is necessary to understand the viability of these emerging systems and their best utilization.This study investigated the savings that a membrane system can generate related to brownstock washing. We found that evaporation costs are the primary barrier for mills seeking to increase wash water usage. Without these additional evaporation costs, we showed that our hypothetical 1000 tons/day bleached and brown pulp mills can achieve annual savings of over $1.0 MM when operating at higher dilution factors and fixed pulp production rate. We then investigated the impact of increasing pulp production on mills limited by their equipment. In washer-limited mill examples, we calculated that membrane systems can reduce the annual operating cost for a 7% production increase by 91%. Similarly, in evaporator-limited mill examples, membrane systems can reduce the annual operating cost for a 7% production increase by 86%. These results indicated that membrane systems make a production increase significantly more feasible for these equipment-limited mills.