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Journal articles
Macro Marcheggiani on the International Tissue Business, Paper360º February 2008

Face Time: Macro Marcheggiani, Paper360º February 2008

Journal articles
Optimizing Heat Transfer for Steam-Heated Tissue and Paper Machines, Paper360º November/December 2014

Optimizing Heat Transfer for Steam-Heated Tissue and Paper Machines, Paper360º November/December 2014

Journal articles
Magazine articles
Open Access
Rheological characterization of tack and viscoelasticity of compositions of crepe coating used in the Yankee dryer, TAPPI Journal November 2019

ABSTRACT: The vast majority of tissue production uses creping to achieve the required set of properties on the base sheet. The Yankee coating helps to develop the desired crepe that in turn determines properties such as bulk and softness. The adhesion of the sheet to the Yankee surface is a very important characteristic to consider in achieving the desired crepe. The coating mix usually consists of the adhesive, modifier, and release. A good combination of these components is essential to achieving the desired properties of the tissue or towel, which often are determined by trials on the machine that can be time consuming and lead to costly rejects. In this paper, five compo-sitions of an industrial Yankee coating adhesive, modifier, and release were examined rheologically. The weight ratio of the adhesive was kept constant at 30% in all five compositions and the modifier and release ratios were varied. The normal force and work done by the different compositions have been shown at various temperatures simulating that of the Yankee surface, and the oscillatory test was carried out to explain the linear and nonlinear viscoelastic characteristic of the optimal coating composition.

Journal articles
Magazine articles
Open Access
Editorial: Let's talk tissue!, TAPPI Journal July 2019

ABSTRACT: In this issue of TAPPI Journal (TJ), researchers Olejnik and Pelczynski of Lodz University of Technology in Poland and researcher Bloch of the University of Gre-noble Alpes in France use an experimental device to measure the liquid absorption properties of tissue (p. 417). The device, called the eXtended liquid penetration analyzer (XLPA), was initially built at the Institute of Papermaking and Printing at the University of Lodz. Results from the study published here showed that the XLPA measurements were in good agreement with the ISO 12625:-8:2010 standard measurements. The researchers believe this method could ultimately help mills characterize the liquid absorption of their tissue in a better and faster manner.

Journal articles
Open Access
Effects of creping conditions on surface softness of tissue paper - application of sled method, TAPPI JOURNAL, December 2000, Vol. 83(12)

Effects of creping conditions on surface softness of tissue paper - application of sled method, TAPPI JOURNAL, December 2000, Vol. 83(12)