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The Stoichiometry of Chlorine Dioxide Delignification of Softwood Pulps After Oxidant-Reinforced Extraction, 2011 International Pulp Bleaching Conference

Application of a Solids Deposition Model to Control Falling Film Evaporator 'Crashing', 1997 Pulping Conference Proceedings

Application of a Solids Deposition Model to Control Falling Film Evaporator 'Crashing', 1997 Pulping Conference Proceedings

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Young Professional of the Year Award

Young Professional of the Year Award The Young Professional of the Year Award recognizes aspiring young leaders employed in the global forest products, pulp, paper, tissue, packaging, and associated

Przem Pruszynski, Ph.D.

Consultant, Pruszynski Paper Chemistry Consulting, LLC.

New TAPPI Board of Directors and Officers Announced

New Board Members include representatives from Essity, Voith Paper North America, University of Wisconsin-Stephens Point, and former president of Cascades Group

Open Access
Evaporation of process water from recycled containerboard mills, TAPPI Journal July 2023

ABSTRACT: The reduction of the specific effluent discharge volumes of paper mills leads to concentrated process waters that are difficult to treat. Evaporation is an effective water reclamation technology; however, its feasibility largely depends on the fouling behavior of the calcium rich process water. A pilot plant study was conducted to investigate fouling of an evaporator processing the production water from a recycled containerboard mill. The evaporator was operated continuously for five weeks at an evaporation temperature of 55°C and a differential temperature of 5°C, and with a recovery rate of approximately 90%. The calcium ion concentration of the circulating liquor exceeded 7,000 mg/L with a pH of 6. Despite the high fouling potential of the circulating liquor, the heat transfer coefficient did not decline over the investigated trial. The absence of deposits on large areas of the heating surfaces demonstrate that the process water does not generally form deposits under the conditions that were investigated. Calcium sulfate deposits were only found in areas where there was inadequate coverage of liquid over the heating surfaces.The findings show that evaporators can be used to effectively close the water system of recycled containerboard mills without fouling impacting the energy efficiency.

Open Access
Research on flame-retardant paper prepared by the method of in-pulp addition of ammonium polyphosphate, TAPPI Journal May 2023

ABSTRACT: At present, the production of flame-retardant paper usually uses the impregnation method of phosphorus-nitrogen flame retardants in paper. There are few reports on the application of an in-pulp addition method. In this paper, the solubility of ammonium polyphosphate (APP) and its effect on flame-retardant paper were investigated for use in an in-pulp addition method. It was found that APP particles were square, with an average particle size of 21.88 µm. The particle size decreased significantly after immersion in water at 25°C for 24 h. Furthermore, most of the APPs were dissolved after immersion in water at 90°C for 0.5 h, and the residuals agglomerated and their shape turned into an amorphous form. The APP possessed strong electronegativity and could partially ionize in water. The solubility of APP was 0.18 g/100 mL water at 25°C and increased quickly when the temperature was higher than 30°C. Therefore, APP should be added to the pulp at temperatures below 30°C. The tensile strength of the paper initially increased with the addition of APP, and it reached the maximum value when the APP content was 10% and then gradually decreased. The limiting oxygen index (LOI) value of the paper was 28.7% when the added amount of APP was 30% and cationic polyacrylamide (CPAM) was 0.08%, reaching the flame-retardant level.

Journal articles
Magazine articles
Open Access
Control of malodorous gases emission from wet-end white water with hydrogen peroxide, TAPPI Journal October 2021

ABSTRACT: White water is highly recycled in the papermaking process so that its quality is easily deteriorated, thus producing lots of malodorous gases that are extremely harmful to human health and the environment. In this paper, the effect of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) on the control of malodorous gases released from white water was investigated. The results showed that the released amount of total volatile organic compounds (TVOC) decreased gradually with the increase of H2O2 dosage. Specifically, the TVOC emission reached the minimum as the H2O2 dosage was 1.5 mmol/L, and meanwhile, the hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and ammonia (NH3) were almost completely removed. It was also found that pH had little effect on the release of TVOC as H2O2 was added, but it evidently affect-ed the release of H2S and NH3. When the pH value of the white water was changed to 4.0 or 9.0, the emission of TVOC decreased slightly, while both H2S and NH3 were completely removed in both cases. The ferrous ions (Fe2+) and the copper ions (Cu2+) were found to promote the generation of hydroxyl radicals (HO•) out of H2O2, enhancing its inhibition on the release of malodorous gases from white water. The Fe2+/H2O2 system and Cu2+/H2O2 system exhibited similar efficiency in inhibiting the TVOC releasing, whereas the Cu2+/H2O2 system showed better perfor-mance in removing H2S and NH3.

Journal articles
Magazine articles
Open Access
Production of antimicrobial paper using nanosilver, nanocellulose, and chitosan from a coronavirus perspective, TAPPI Journal July 2021

ABSTRACT: The pulp and paper industry has an opportunity to play a vital role in breaking the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic through production that supports widespread use of antimicrobial paper. This paper provides a brief review of paper and paper-related industries, such as those producing relevant additives, and R&D organizations that are actively engaged in developing antimicrobial papers. The focus here is on the potential of three nano-additives for use in production of antimicrobial papers that combat coronavirus: nanosilver, nanocellulose, and chitosan. Various recent developments in relevant areas and concepts underlining the fight against coronavirus are also covered, as are related terms and concepts.