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Economic and competitive potential of lignin-based thermoplastics using a multicriteria decision-making method, TAPPI Journal September 2022

ABSTRACT: As a result of new lignin extraction plants hatching and increasing volumes of technical lignin becoming available, a variety of lignin derivatives, including phenolic resins and polyurethane (PU) foams, are reaching the marketplace or being used as intermediate products in many industrial applications. In the spectrum of possible lignin derivatives, thermoplastics appear particularly attractive due to a symbiosis of market, policy, and technology drivers. To assess the preferredness for lignin-based thermoplastics, this paper adapted a risk-oriented methodology formerly applied to assess lignin usage in various applications (phenol-formaldehyde [PF] resins, PU foams, and carbon fiber applications) to the case of lignin-based thermoplastics using hydroxypropylated lignin (HPL) and miscible blends of lignin and polyethylene oxide (PEO). The HPL is considered for garbage bags and agricultural films applications, while lignin-PEO blends are used as replacement for acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) in applications such as automotive parts. In the methodology, two phased-implementation strategies were defined for each thermoplastic derivative, considering perspectives for profit maximization (90 metric tons/day integrated units) and revenue growth (350 metric tons/day overall capacity), which were considered for implementation within a softwood kraft pulping mill. A set of six criteria representative of the main economic and market competitiveness issues were employed, and their respective importance weights were obtained in a multicriteria decision-making (MCDM) panel.Early-stage techno-economic estimates were done as a basis for the calculation of decision criteria. Compared to product derivatives previously assessed, capital investment for thermoplastic strategies appeared marginally higher due to the required lignin modification steps (on average 30% higher at similar capacity, and 6% for higher-scale revenue diversification strategies). Higher operating costs were also observed due to increased chemical expenses for all thermoplastic strategies, which are ultimately balanced by revenues associated with targeted thermoplastic products, leading to greater annual margins and cash flow generation over the project lifetime for thermoplastic strategies compared to other product applications (58% to 66% higher on average, at similar scale). Benefits of improved economics were reflected in economic criteria, internal rate of return (IRR), and cash flow on capital employed (CFCE), as well as in the price competitiveness criterion, CPC. Overall, the combination of relatively high lignin content in the plastic formulation and the less costly modification method contributed to lignin-PEO strategies, gaining the top two rankings. Based on their overall scores, both strategies defined for HPL would also integrate the group of “preferred” strategies, but are outranked by strategies that consider lignin positioning on PU foam applications.

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Open Access
Control of malodorous gases emission from wet-end white water with hydrogen peroxide, TAPPI Journal October 2021

ABSTRACT: White water is highly recycled in the papermaking process so that its quality is easily deteriorated, thus producing lots of malodorous gases that are extremely harmful to human health and the environment. In this paper, the effect of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) on the control of malodorous gases released from white water was investigated. The results showed that the released amount of total volatile organic compounds (TVOC) decreased gradually with the increase of H2O2 dosage. Specifically, the TVOC emission reached the minimum as the H2O2 dosage was 1.5 mmol/L, and meanwhile, the hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and ammonia (NH3) were almost completely removed. It was also found that pH had little effect on the release of TVOC as H2O2 was added, but it evidently affect-ed the release of H2S and NH3. When the pH value of the white water was changed to 4.0 or 9.0, the emission of TVOC decreased slightly, while both H2S and NH3 were completely removed in both cases. The ferrous ions (Fe2+) and the copper ions (Cu2+) were found to promote the generation of hydroxyl radicals (HO•) out of H2O2, enhancing its inhibition on the release of malodorous gases from white water. The Fe2+/H2O2 system and Cu2+/H2O2 system exhibited similar efficiency in inhibiting the TVOC releasing, whereas the Cu2+/H2O2 system showed better perfor-mance in removing H2S and NH3.

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Open Access
Commercially relevant water vapor barrier properties of high amylose starch acetates: Fact or fiction?, TAPPI Journal September 2021

ABSTRACT: Starches have recently regained attention as ecofriendly barrier materials due to the increased demand for sustainable packaging. They are easily processable by conventional plastics processing equipment and have been utilized for oil and grease barrier applications. While starches have excellent oxygen barrier properties and decent water barrier properties at low relative humidity (RH), they are moisture sensitive, as demonstrated by the deterioration of the barrier properties at higher RH values. Starch esters are chemically modified starches where the hydroxyl group of the starch has been substituted by other moieties such as acetates. This imparts hydrophobicity to starches and has been claimed as a good way of retaining water vapor barrier properties of starches, even at high RH conditions. We studied the water vapor barrier properties of one class of starch esters, i.e., high amylose starch acetates that were assumed to have good water vapor barrier properties. Our investigations found that with a high degree of substitution of hydroxyl groups, the modified starches did indeed show improvements in water vapor response as compared to pure high amylose starch films; however, the barrier properties were orders of magnitude lower than commercially used water vapor barriers like polyethylene. Even though these materials had improved water vapor barrier response, high amylose starch acetates are likely unsuitable as water vapor barriers by themselves, as implied by previous literature studies and patents.

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Boiler retrofit improves efficiency and increases biomass firing rates, TAPPI Journal March 2021

ABSTRACT: Domtar’s fluff pulp mill in Plymouth, NC, USA, operates two biomass/hog fuel fired boilers (HFBs). For energy consolidation and reliability improvement, Domtar wanted to decommission the No. 1 HFB and refurbish/retrofit the No. 2 HFB. The No. 2 HFB was designed to burn pulverized coal and/or biomass on a traveling grate. The steaming capacity was 500,000 lb/h from coal and 400,000 lb/h from biomass. However, it had never sustained this design biomass steaming rate. As the sole power boiler, the No. 2 HFB would need to sustain 400,000 lb/h of biomass steam during peak loads. An extensive evaluation by a combustion and boiler technologies supplier was undertaken. The evaluation involved field testing, analysis, and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling, and it identified several bottle-necks and deficiencies to achieving the No. 2 HFB’s biomass steam goal. These bottlenecks included an inadequate combustion system; insufficient heat capture; excessive combustion air temperature; inadequate sweetwater con-denser (SWC) capacity; and limited induced draft fan capacity.To address the identified deficiencies, various upgrades were engineered and implemented. These upgrades included modern pneumatic fuel distributors; a modern sidewall, interlaced overfire air (OFA) system; a new, larger economizer; modified feedwater piping to increase SWC capacity; replacement of the scrubber with a dry electrostatic precipitator; and upgraded boiler controls.With the deployment of these upgrades, the No. 2 HFB achieved the targeted biomass steaming rate of 400,000 lb/h, along with lowered stack gas and combustion air temperatures. All mandated emissions limit tests at 500,000 lb/h of steam with 400,000 lb/h of biomass steam were passed, and Domtar reports a 10% reduction in fuel firing rates, which represents significant fuel savings. In addition, the mill was able to decommission the No. 1 HFB, which has substantially lowered operating and maintenance costs.

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Open Access
Evaluation of soap recovery efficiency from black liquor — analytical tools, TAPPI Journal April 2023

ABSTRACT: Soap skimmings (“soap”) are typically recovered from black liquor in kraft mills that process a high percentage of softwood. In many mills, the recovery of soap is inefficient, negatively impacting performance of evaporators and recovery boilers and resulting in loss of potential revenue. A thorough evaluation of soap recovery performance in a kraft mill requires measurement of soap content in black liquor at various sampling locations, especially around the soap skimmer.The standard laboratory method for evaluating soap content in black liquor is a complex, multi-step process that relies on solvent extraction and titration; most mills send these samples to an outside laboratory for this analysis. In this study, 100 black liquor samples, with a wide range of soap concentrations, were tested by the standard solvent extraction method. After additional dilution, each sample was also tested for surface tension with a bubble pressure tensiometer. The results were found to correlate very closely with the solvent extraction tests results. This alternate method, using surface tension measurements of diluted black liquor samples, produces rapid results and can be easily implemented in most kraft mills, which would facilitate much more frequent in-house evaluations of soap recovery performance.

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Value creation by converting pulp mill flue gas streams to green fuels, TAPPI Journal March 2023

ABSTRACT: Climate change mitigation induces strong growth in renewable electricity production, partly driven by shifts in environmental policies and regulation. Intermittent renewable electricity requires supporting systems in the form of sustainable hydrocarbon chemicals such as transportation fuels. Bulk chemical production fits well into a pulp mill environment, given their large volumes, stable operation, and ample supply of biomass-based carbon feed-stock in the form of flue gases. Until now, the utilization of the flue gases from conventional operation of a pulp mill has received little attention. Harnessing these flue gases into usable products could offer additional value to mill operators, while also diversifying their product portfolio. However, electricity-based fuels and products require extra energy in the conversion step and may not be commercially competitive with current fossil products under the current regulation. There might also be uncertainties about future commodity prices. Thus, the objective of this study is to estimate the economic competitiveness and the added value of selected side products that could be produced alongside conventional pulp and paper products. A typical modern pulp mill is modeled in different product configurations and operational environments, which allows testing of various development paths. This illustrates how the overall energy and mass balance of a pulp mill would react to changes in different final products and other parameters. The focus of the study is in synthetic methanol, which is produced from flue gases and excess resources from the mill, with minimal interference to the pulping process. The results aid in assessing the necessity and magnitude of a premium payment for subsidizing green alter-natives to replace current fossil fuels and chemicals. Additionally, the results function as an indicator of the development state of the pulp and paper industry in the turmoil of climate change regulation. The results indicate that power-to-X systems offer one more viable pathway alternative for broadening the product portfolio of the pulp and paper sector, as well as opening new flexibility measures and services to grid stabilization. Market conditions were found to have a significant impact on the perceived profitability.

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Open Access
Application of ATR-IR measurements to predict the deinking efficiency of UV-cured inks, TAPPI Journal January 2022

ABSTRACT: In recent years, ultraviolet (UV)-curable ink has been developed and widely used in various printing applications. However, using UV-printed products (UV prints) in recovered paper recycling causes end-product dirt specks and quality issues. A new method was developed that can distinguish UV prints from other prints by means of attenuated total reflectance infrared (ATR-IR) spectroscopy. Application of this method could allow more efficient use of UV prints as raw materials for paper recycling.First, a mill trial was performed using UV prints alone as raw materials in a deinked pulp (DIP) process. Second, test prints were made with four types of UV inks: a conventional UV ink and three different highly-sensitive UV inks. Each print sample had four levels of four-color ink coverage patterns (100%, 75%, 50%, and 25%). Next, deinkability of all prints was evaluated by laboratory experiments. Finally, each print was measured using the ATR-IR method, and the relationship between the IR spectra and deinkability was investigated. Mill trial results showed that UV prints caused more than 20 times as many dirt specks as those printed with conventional oil-based ink. There were variations in recycling performance among UV prints taken from bales used for the mill trial. Lab tests clearly revealed that not all UV-printed products lead to dirt specks. In order to clarify the factors that affected deinkability of UV prints, the print samples were investigated by lab experiments. Key findings from lab experiments include: • The number of dirt specks larger than 250 µm in diameter increased as the ink coverage increased. • Higher ink coverage area showed stronger intensity of ATR-IR spectral bands associated with inks. These results indicate that deinkability of UV prints could be predicted by analysis of ATR-IR spectra. • Finally, the method was applied for assessment of recovered paper from commercial printing presses. It was confirmed that this method made it possible to distinguish easily deinkable UV prints from other UV prints. Based on these findings, we concluded that the ATR-IR method is applicable for inspection of incoming recovered paper.