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Journal articles
Open Access
The effects of sma surface sizes on paper end-use properties

The effects of sma surface sizes on paper end-use properties, TAPPI JOURNAL, January 1995, Vol. 78(1)

Journal articles
Open Access
A simple method for determining drive roll load shares on ma

A simple method for determining drive roll load shares on machine with line shaft drives, TAPPI JOURNAL, April 1995, Vol. 78(4)

Journal articles
Open Access
Edgewise crush test streamlined by shorter time after waxing

Edgewise crush test streamlined by shorter time after waxing, TAPPI JOURNAL, January 1994, Vol. 77(1)

Journal articles
Open Access
Pretreatment and posttreatment of pulps to eliminate dioxins

Pretreatment and posttreatment of pulps to eliminate dioxins, TAPPI JOURNAL, February 1994, Vol. 77(2)

Journal articles
Open Access
Viscosity and thermal conductivity of black liquor, TAPPI JO

Viscosity and thermal conductivity of black liquor, TAPPI JOURNAL, November 1993, Vol. 76(11)

Journal articles
Open Access
Experimental observations in the preparation of microsphere

Experimental observations in the preparation of microsphere polymer dispersions, TAPPI JOURNAL, August 1993, Vol. 76(8)

Journal articles
Open Access
Vapor-phase chemimechanical pulping of aspen - explosion vs.

Vapor-phase chemimechanical pulping of aspen - explosion vs. no explosion, TAPPI JOURNAL, April 1991, Vol. 74(4)

Journal articles
Open Access
Optimization of process variables for production of dissolvi

Optimization of process variables for production of dissolving pulps from wheat straw and hemp, TAPPI JOURNAL, June 1994, Vol. 77(6)

Journal articles
Open Access
Getting started with community relations: phase 1 - the comm

Getting started with community relations: phase 1 - the community relations assessment, TAPPI JOURNAL, July 1994, Vol. 77(7)

Journal articles
Open Access
Electrostatically assisted core starts on automatic winders,

Electrostatically assisted core starts on automatic winders, TAPPI JOURNAL, November 1993, Vol. 76(11)