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Open Access
Characterization of chia plant (Salvia hispanica) for pulping, TAPPI Journal October 2020

ABSTRACT: In this paper, chia plant was characterized in terms of chemical, morphological, and anatomical properties. Chia plant was characterized with low a-cellulose (30.5%); moderate lignin (23.2%) with syringyl to guaiacyl ratio of 1.41; and shorter fiber length (0.67 mm) with thinner cell wall (1.91 µm) and good flexibility coefficient (71.44). Anatomical features showed that chia plant consists of vessels, fibers, parenchyma cells, and collenchyma cells. Chia plant pulping was evaluated in soda-anthraquinone (soda-AQ) and formic acid/peroxyformic acid (FA/PFA) processes. Chia plant was difficult to delignify in the alkaline process. The FA/PFA process produced higher pulp yield at the same kappa number than the soda-AQ process. Unbleached soda-AQ chia pulp exhibited good properties in terms of tensile, bursting, and tearing strengths, even at the unrefined stage, due to high drainability of the pulps. Alkaline peroxide bleached FA/PFA pulp exhibited better papermaking properties and 2% higher brightness than the D0(EP)D1 bleached soda-AQ pulp.

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Open Access
Quantification of vegetable oil in recycled paper, TAPPI JOURNAL September 2020

ABSTRACT: Vegetable soybean oil is commonly used in cooking foods that are packaged in takeaway paper-board containers. Vegetable oil is hydrophobic, and in sufficiently high concentration, could interfere with interfiber bonding and result in paper strength loss. In order to quantify the effect of oil on the resulting paperboard strength, it is necessary to quantify the oil content in paper. A lab method was evaluated to determine the soybean oil content in paper. Handsheets were made with pulps previously treated with different proportions of vegetable oil. Pyrolysis gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (pyGCMS) was used to quantify the amount of oil left in the handsheets. The results revealed a strong correlation between the amount of oil applied to the initial pulp and the amount of oil left in the handsheets.In addition, the effect of vegetable oils on paper strength may be affected by the cooking process. Vegetable oil is known to degrade over time in the presence of oxygen, light, and temperature. The vegetable oil was put in an oven to imitate the oil lifecycle during a typical pizza cooking process. The cooked oil was then left at room temperature and not protected from air (oxygen) or from normal daylight. The heated, then cooled, oil was stored over a period of 13 weeks. During this time, samples of the aged oil were tested as part of a time-based degradation study of the cooked and cooled oil.

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Open Access
Probing the molecular weights of sweetgum and pine kraft lignin fractions, TAPPI Journal June 2021

ABSTRACT: The present investigation undertook a systematic investigation of the molecular weight (MW) of kraft lignins throughout the pulping process to establish a correlation between MW and lignin recovery at different extents of the kraft pulping process. The evaluation of MW is crucial for lignin characterization and utilization, since it is known to influence the kinetics of lignin reactivity and its resultant physico-chemical properties. Sweetgum and pine lignins precipitated from black liquor at different pHs (9.5 and 2.5) and different extents of kraft pulping (30•150 min) were the subject of this effort. Gel permeation chromatography (GPC) was used to determine the number average molecular weight (Mn), mass average molecular weight (Mw), and polydispersity of the lignin samples. It was shown that the MW of lignins from both feedstocks follow gel degradation theory; that is, at the onset of the kraft pulping process low molecular weight-lignins were obtained, and as pulping progressed, the molecular weight peaked and subsequently decreased. An important finding was that acetobromination was shown to be a more effective derivatization technique for carbohydrates containing lignins than acetylation, the technique typically used for derivatization of lignin.

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Open Access
Laboratory method for determining the source of brightness loss at a southern United States bleached paperboard mill, TAPPI Journal October 2018

Laboratory method for determining the source of brightness loss at a southern United States bleached paperboard mill, TAPPI Journal October 2018

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Open Access
Editorial: Special pulping and engineering issues of TAPPI Journal yield important recovery cycle research, TAPPI Journal June 2024

ABSTRACT: The June issue of TAPPI Journal, which is dominated by recovery cycle topics, is the last PEERS issue organized by Dr. Peter Hart, the former editor-in-chief who passed away this past May. Peter, who was heavily involved with TAPPI’s Pulp Manufacture Division and various pulping-related committees, also started working with conference technical program planning starting in 2005 with the Engineering, Pulping and Environmental (EPE) Conference, which was the precursor to the more recent Pulping, Engineering, Environmental, Recycling and Sustainability (PEERS) Conference. He was also involved with other conference planning, including that for the International Pulp Bleaching Conference. In addition, Peter was a yearly attendee of such conferences starting as far back as 1990.

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Open Access
Factors affecting deposit formation in foul condensate stripping systems, TAPPI Journal June 2024

ABSTRACT: In kraft pulp mills, foul condensates are often steam-stripped to produce clean condensate for use as process water. The formation of organic deposits in the stripped condensate is a common problem. A systematic study was conducted to examine the deposit composition and the most likely operating parameters responsible for stripped condensate contamination experienced at a kraft mill in Brazil. Daily averaged data of 170 operating parameters over a 15-month period were analyzed by means of multivariate discriminant analysis and random forest classification analysis. The results showed that the deposit formation is related to high temperature, pressure, and dry solids operations in various evaporator effects. These conditions, combined with the poor demisting efficiency in these effects, may have increased black liquor carryover mist in the vapor. Deposit formation also appeared to be related to increased throughput of the foul condensate stripping system and increased pressure in the stripper. Results of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and pyrolysis-gas chromatography mass spectrometry (Py-GCMS) analyses show that the deposit consists of mostly organic matter that likely originated from wood extractives and lignin.

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Open Access
Synthesis of filtrate reducer from biogas residue and its application in drilling fluid, TAPPI Journal March 2020

ABSTRACT: Biogas residues (BR) containing cellulose and lignin are produced with the rapid development of biogas engineering. BR can be used to prepare the filtrate reducer of water-based drilling fluid in oilfields by chemical modification. BR from anaerobically fermenting grain stillage was alkalized and etherified by caustic soda and chloroacetic acid to prepare filtrate reducer, which was named as FBR. The long-chain crystalline polysaccharides were selected as dispersing agents (DA), and the water-soluble silicate was used as the cross-linking agent. After the hot rolling of FBR in saturated saltwater base mud for 16 h at 120°C, the filtration loss was increased from 7.20 mL/30 min before aging to 8.80 mL/30 min after aging. Compared with the commercial filtrate reducers, FBR had better tolerance to high temperature and salt, and lower cost.

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Open Access
Incorporation of post-consumer pizza boxes in the recovered fiber stream: Impacts of grease on finished product quality, TAPPI Journal March 2021

ABSTRACT: Grease and cheese contamination of used pizza boxes has led to misunderstanding and controversy about the recyclability of pizza boxes. Some collection facilities accept pizza boxes while others do not. The purpose of this study is to determine whether typical grease or cheese contamination levels associated with pizza boxes impact finished product quality. Grease (from vegetable oil) and cheese are essentially hydrophobic and in sufficiently high concentration could interfere with interfiber bonding, resulting in paper strength loss.Findings from this study will be used to determine the viability of recycling pizza boxes at current and future con-centrations in old corrugated containers (OCC) recovered fiber streams. These findings will also be used to inform the acceptability of pizza boxes in the recycle stream and educate consumers about acceptable levels of grease or cheese residue found on these recycled boxes.

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Open Access
Extension of a steady-state chlorine dioxide brightening model for Z-ECF bleaching of softwood kraft pulps, TAPPI Journal March 2021

ABSTRACT: Earlier studies developed a steady-state model to predict the brightness and/or bleach consumption during the chlorine dioxide brightening (D1) of softwood pulps produced by conventional elemental-chlorine-free (ECF) sequences. This model relates the chlorine dioxide consumed to the brightness gains predicated upon an asymptotic D1 brightness limit, an incoming D1 pulp brightness, and an equation parameter (ß11). The current investigation examines the application of this model to ECF sequences that use ozone delignification (Z-ECF). Literature D1 data from various Z-ECF bleaching studies, which investigated OZ, OD0/Z, and OZ/D0 delignification, were fitted to the model. The ß11 parameter was found to be linearly correlated to the entering kappa number. Interestingly, this linear relationship was found to be identical to the relationships observed when modeling the D1 stage for conventional ECF and chlorine-based bleach sequences. Subtle differences in D1 brightening response in the model among the various bleach sequences are reflected by incoming pulp brightness (at the same kappa number). The current model is used to illustrate how alterations to Z-ECF delignification affect D1 brightening and chlorine dioxide consumption.

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Open Access
Evaluation of rice straw for purification of lovastatin, TAPPI Journal November 2021

ABSTRACT: Cholesterol synthesis in the human body can be catalyzed by the coenzyme HMG-CoA reductase, and lovastatin, a key enzyme inhibitor, can reduce hypercholesterolemia. Lovastatin can be obtained as a secondary metabolite of Aspergillus terreus ATCC 20542. In this study, rice straw of lignocellulose was used in aeration and agitation bath fermentation in a 1-L flask, and a maximal crude extraction rate of 473 mg/L lovastatin was obtained. The crude extract was treated with silica gel (230•400 mesh) column chromatography. Ethyl acetate/ethanol (95%) was used as the mobile phase, and isolation was performed through elution with various ethyl acetate/ethanol ratios. The highest production rate of 153 mg/L was achieved with ethyl acetate/ethanol in a ratio of 8:2. The lovastatin gained from the crude extract was added to 12 fractions treated with 0.001 N alkali, and acetone was then added. After 24 h of recrystallization at 4°C, the extract underwent high-performance liquid chromatography. The purity had increased from 25% to 84.6%, and the recovery rate was 65.2%.