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Journal articles
Magazine articles
Are we running out of recycled Fiber?, Tissue360º Spring/Sum

Are we running out of recycled Fiber?, Tissue360º Spring/Summer 2014

Breaking Down Barriers Isn’t Just About Communication

Customers want alternatives to PFAs. Are you ready to accept the challenge? If so, attend TAPPICon 2023 for innovative solutions.

Forever Chemicals Not Destined To Live Happily Ever After

Don’t miss the exciting discussion on alternatives to PFAS at TAPPICon 2023.

Hurry! TAPPICon Show Floor Almost Sold Out

Reach key decision-makers as an exhibitor at this industry-specific event.

Conference papers
Non-spinning, fluidizing flash mixing reactor for synthetic

Non-spinning, fluidizing flash mixing reactor for synthetic fibers, nano- and micro fibers for board paper and tissue production, PaperCon 2016

Journal articles
Magazine articles
Open Access
An evaluation of household tissue softness, TAPPI Journal February 2021

ABSTRACT: This study extends our 2019 paper, a study of the softness of household tissues using a tissue softness analyzer (TSA) and hand-felt panels. It revisits the softness theory of Holger Hollmark by applying a reciprocal matrix approach to measure sheet bulk softness and surface softness, and then make comparisons with the results obtained using a TSA instrument. We ascertained that there was a high correlation of R=0.904 between panel-corrected hand-felt (CHF) softness and TSA softness (TSA-HF); and a low correlation of R=-0.678 between panel-corrected hand-felt surface softness (CHSS) and TSA smoothness (TS-750). Three hunches about TSA measurements were confirmed: 1) Hollmark’s theory was confirmed by a high correlation coefficient (R=0.895) between CHF and CHSS softness, indicating that the two parameters are mutually dependent; 2) TS-750 differs from CHSS and has partial influence on TSA-HF results with a correlation of R = -0.510; and 3) although TS-750 has only limited influences on TSA-HF, further opportunities for their application can be provided using pertinent regression equations.

Oil and Grease Resistance Keeping You Up?

Gain insight on improved waterborne paper coating methods at TAPPICon 2022