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Journal articles
Open Access
Editorial: PEERS 2016 honors technical achievements, TAPPI J

Editorial: PEERS 2016 honors technical achievements, TAPPI JOURNAL September 2016

Journal articles
Open Access
Microstructure simulation of early paper forming using immersed boundary methods, TAPPI JOURNAL November 2011

Microstructure simulation of early paper forming using immersed boundary methods, TAPPI JOURNAL November 2011

Open Access
Editorial: PEERS and IBBC: TAPPI fall conferences address current and evolving challenges, TAPPI Journal August 2023

On November 5-8, TAPPI will host its 2023 Pulping, Engineering, Environmental, Recycling and Sustainability (PEERS) Conference. This year’s conference will be held in Atlanta and is co-located with TAPPI’s International Bioenergy & Bioproducts Conference (IBBC). Below are some highlights about what is in store for attendees.

Journal articles
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Open Access
Improving paper wet strength via increased lignin content and hot-pressing temperature, TAPPI JOURNAL October 2020

ABSTRACT: It is known that the strength properties of wood-based paper materials can be enhanced via hot-pressing techniques. Today, there is a desire not only for a change from fossil-based packaging materials to new sustainable bio-based materials, but also for more effective and eco-friendly solutions for improving the dry and wet strength of paper and board. Against this background, hot pressing of paper made from high yield pulp (HYP), rich in lignin, becomes highly interesting. This study investigated the influence of pressing temperature and native lignin content on the properties of paper produced by means of hot pressing. Kraft pulps of varied lignin content (kappa numbers: 25, 50, 80) were produced at pilot scale from the same batch by varying the cooking time. We then studied the effect of lignin content by evaluating the physical properties of Rapid Köthen sheets after hot pressing in the temperature range of 20°C•200°C with a constant nip pressure of 7 MPa. The pilot-scale cooked pulps were compared with reference samples of mill-produced northern bleached soft-wood kraft (NBSK) pulp and mill-produced chemithermomechanical pulp (CTMP).Generally, the results demonstrated that lignin content had a significant effect on both dry and wet tensile index. All of the pilot cooked pulps with increased lignin content had a higher tensile index than the reference NBSK pulp. To obtain high tensile index, both dry and wet, the pressing temperature should be set high, preferably at least 200°C; that is, well above the glass transition temperature (Tg) for lignin. Moreover, the lignin content should prefera-bly also be high. All kraft pulps investigated in this study showed a linear relationship between wet strength and lignin content.

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Open Access
Editorial: Ravi Challa brings tissue, nonwovens, and operational expertise to TJ Editorial Board, TAPPI Journal September 2022

ABSTRACT: TAPPI and the TAPPI JOURNAL (TJ) editorial staff would like to welcome a new member to the TJ Editorial Board, Ravi Challa, Ph.D., who is Research & Development (R&D) manager for Suominen Corporation at the company’s Bethune, SC, facility. There, his primary focus is new product development on wetlaid nonwovens paper machines, from maintaining mature technologies and innovation to discovering patterns in paper machine shutdowns and executing nonwovens product development trials.

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Open Access
Papermaking properties of bacterial nanocellulose produced from mother of vinegar, a waste product after classical vinegar production, TAPPI Journal April 2020

ABSTRACT: Bacterial nanocellulose (BNC) has gained a lot of attention in recent years due to its nano-size-derived properties. Although it is essentially chemically similar to plant-derived cellulose, it has smaller size and is enriched in free hydroxyl groups, which greatly improve mechanical properties of reinforced paper. However, although BNC has some unique features, it comes at a high price. In this paper, we introduce a new solution for BNC production. We have isolated bacterial nanocellulose directly from agro-industrial waste—mother of vinegar—and used it in the production of paper sheets. We show here that paper sheets made with the addition of only 10% bacterial nanocellulose from mother of vinegar substantially improved basic mechanical as well as printing properties of paper.

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Open Access
Editorial: TAPPI Journal 2019 Best Research Paper addresses hard scale formation in green liquor pipelines, TAPPI Journal March 2020

ABSTRACT: TAPPI and the TAPPI Journal (TJ) Editorial Board would like congratulate the authors of the 2019 TAPPI Journal Best Research Paper Award: Alisha Giglio, Vladimiros Papangelakis, and Honghi Tran. Their paper, “The solubility of calcium carbonate in green liquor handling systems,” appeared on p. 595 of the October 2019 issue. This kraft recovery cycle research was recognized by the TJ Editorial Board for its innovation, creativity, scientific merit, and clear expression of ideas.

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Open Access
Synthesis of filtrate reducer from biogas residue and its application in drilling fluid, TAPPI Journal March 2020

ABSTRACT: Biogas residues (BR) containing cellulose and lignin are produced with the rapid development of biogas engineering. BR can be used to prepare the filtrate reducer of water-based drilling fluid in oilfields by chemical modification. BR from anaerobically fermenting grain stillage was alkalized and etherified by caustic soda and chloroacetic acid to prepare filtrate reducer, which was named as FBR. The long-chain crystalline polysaccharides were selected as dispersing agents (DA), and the water-soluble silicate was used as the cross-linking agent. After the hot rolling of FBR in saturated saltwater base mud for 16 h at 120°C, the filtration loss was increased from 7.20 mL/30 min before aging to 8.80 mL/30 min after aging. Compared with the commercial filtrate reducers, FBR had better tolerance to high temperature and salt, and lower cost.

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Open Access
Eucalyptus black liquor properties in a lignin extraction process: density, dry solids, viscosity, inorganic, and organic content, TAPPI Journal March 2023

ABSTRACT: Extracting lignin from black liquor is becoming more common, although only a few research papers discuss the impact of the process on the liquor’s primary properties. This work aims to determine the changes in black liquor properties as it undergoes a lignin extraction process using carbon dioxide (CO2). A diluted eucalyptus black liquor sample (DBL) was acidified with CO2 to a final pH of 8.5. After filtration, the kraft lignin was removed, and the filtrated lignin lean black liquor (LLBL) was collected. Five acidified black liquors (ABL) samples were collected during acidification at pH 10.5; 10.0; 9.5; 9.0; and 8.5. The samples were analyzed regarding lignin content in solution, sodium carbonate (Na2CO3), sodium sulfate (Na2SO4), density, dry solids content, and viscosity. While Na2SO4 remained almost constant, Na2CO3 presented an enormous increase in its concentration when comparing DBL with LLBL. As pH decreased, the lignin content in the solution was also reduced due to lignin precipitation. The results showed similar behavior for dry solids, density, and viscosity of the supernatant, but an increase in density was observed around pH 9.00. In light of this, the density of LLBL turns out to be closer to the one in the initial DBL. The significant increase in carbonate content could explain this behavior during acidification with CO2 once the inorganic content significantly influences the property. The viscosity was determined from 10 s-1 to 2000 s-1. We observed a Newtonian behavior for all samples. The increase in carbonate content in the sample is crucial information to the recovery cycle, especially for calculating the mass and energy balance when targeting the use of the LLBL.

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Open Access
Displacement washing of softwood pulp cooked to various levels of residual lignin content, TAPPI Journal September 2021

ABSTRACT: This study investigates the influence of the degree of delignification of kraft spruce pulp cooked at seven different kappa numbers, ranging from 18.1 to 50.1, on the efficiency of displacement washing under laboratory conditions. Although the pulp bed is a polydispersive and heterogeneous system, the correlation dependence of the wash yield and bed efficiency on the Péclet number and the kappa number of the pulp showed that washing efficiency increased not only with an increasing Péclet number, but also with an increasing kappa number. The linear dependence between the mean residence time of the solute lignin in the bed and the space time, which reflects the residence time of the wash liquid in the pulp bed, was found for all levels of the kappa number. Washing also reduced the kappa number and the residual lignin content in the pulp fibers.