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Journal articles
Coating: Is Curtain Coating Ready for Prime Time, SOLUTIONS! December 2004[04DECSO30.pdf]

Is curtain coating ready for prime time?, Solutions!, December 2004, Vol. 87(12) (169KB)

Journal articles
Spill Control, part II: Reducing Spills, Solutions!, December 2001, Vol. 84(12)

Spill control, part II: reducing spills, Solutions!, December 2001, Vol. 84(12)

Journal articles
Technology Management: Balance in the R&T portfolio: the risk-reward equation, vol. 01: no. 01 september 2001 SOLUTIONS! [01SEPSO88.pdf]

Balance in the r&t portfolio: the risk-reward equation, Solutions!, September 2001, Vol. 1(1)

Journal articles
Open Access
Calcium in pulping and bleaching, TAPPI JOURNAL, December 2000, Vol. 83(12)

Calcium in pulping and bleaching, TAPPI JOURNAL, December 2000, Vol. 83(12)

Journal articles
Open Access
Why not stock one?, TAPPI JOURNAL, February 1996, Vol. 79(2)

Why not stock one?, TAPPI JOURNAL, February 1996, Vol. 79(2)

Journal articles
Introducing Operator Basic Care, Frontline Focus, Volume 5, Issue 1

Frontline Focus, January 2009

Journal articles
Skills Gap Offers Good News, Bad News, Frontline Focus, Volume 6, Issue 4

Frontline Focus, April 2010

Journal articles
Open Access
On-line measurement of wood chip size, TAPPI JOURNAL July 1988

On-line measurement of wood chip size, TAPPI JOURNAL July 1988

Journal articles
Subscription Access
Case study: power company operates Alabama mill's 'energy island', TAPPI JOURNAL, January 1998, Vol. 81(1)

Case study: power company operates alabama mill's 'energy island', TAPPI JOURNAL, January 1998, Vol. 81(1)

Journal articles
An Efficient and Sustainable Use of Biomass for Heat and Power, Paper360° September/October 2011

An efficient and sustainable Use of Biomass for Heat and Power, Paper360º November/December 2011