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Open Access
Multifunctional starch-based barrier materials, TAPPI Journal August 2021

Application: This paper highlights ways for industry to explore new ways of using starches for traditional and non-traditional barrier applications. TAPPI conference proceedings and presentations, technical papers, and publication articles provide technical and management data and solutions on topics covering the Pulp, Paper, Tissue, Corrugated Packaging, Flexible Packaging, Nanotechnology and Converting Industries. Simply select the quantity, add to your cart and your conference paper, presentation or article will be available for immediate download.

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Continuous digester rapid thinning, TAPPI Journal June 2024

ABSTRACT: Carbon steel continuous digesters built after the early 1980s are fully stress relieved, so stress corrosion cracking has been less of a concern. However, these newer digesters were designed to run modified cooking processes that have turned out to be much more corrosive than those running with conventional cooking. This corrosion is mainly associated with softwood digesters and appears to be flow related. Average corrosion rates of 40 mil/year are possible on the exposed shell between the wash and extraction screens. The corrosion patterns are visually distinct from surfaces in the upper digester and below the wash screens. This paper goes into practical detail on where it occurs, the causes, visual identification, inspection planning and results evaluation, and finally, how to mitigate this damage, which consists of applying a corrosion resistant barrier. Some discussion on dealing with general corrosion throughout the digester is included.

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Editorial: Special pulping and engineering issues of TAPPI Journal yield important recovery cycle research, TAPPI Journal June 2024

ABSTRACT: The June issue of TAPPI Journal, which is dominated by recovery cycle topics, is the last PEERS issue organized by Dr. Peter Hart, the fomer editor-in-chief who passed away this past May. Peter, who was heavily involved with TAPPIā€™s Pulp Manufacture Division and various pulping-related committees, also started working with conference technical program planning starting in 2005 with the Engineering, Pulping and Environmental (EPE) Conference, which was the precursor to the more recent Pulping, Engineering, Environmental, Recycling and Sustainability (PEERS) Conference. He was also involved with other conference planning, including that for the International Pulp Bleaching Conference. In addition, Peter was a yearly attendee of such conferences starting as far back as 1990.

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Open Access
Comparing a linear transfer function-noise model and a neural network to model boiler bank fouling in a kraft recovery boiler, TAPPI Journal, July 2024

ABSTRACT: Boiler bank fouling reduces heat transfer efficiency in kraft recovery boilers. Here, we model the relationships between boiler parameters and boiler bank pressure drop, an indicator of fouling, based on recovery boiler operating data. We compared two models: an autoregressive integrated exogenous (ARIX) model and a feedforward neural network. The ARIX model better simulates boiler bank pressure drop compared to the neural network (R2 of 0.64 vs. 0.58). Based on the ARIX model, we identified six boiler parameters that significantly influence boiler bank fouling and their relative contributions. Finally, we demonstrate how the models can simulate boiler bank pressure drop given artificial perturbations in boiler parameters.

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Open Access
Factors affecting deposit formation in foul condensate stripping systems, TAPPI Journal June 2024

ABSTRACT: In kraft pulp mills, foul condensates are often steam-stripped to produce clean condensate for use as process water. The formation of organic deposits in the stripped condensate is a common problem. A systematic study was conducted to examine the deposit composition and the most likely operating parameters responsible for stripped condensate contamination experienced at a kraft mill in Brazil. Daily averaged data of 170 operating parameters over a 15-month period were analyzed by means of multivariate discriminant analysis and random forest classification analysis. The results showed that the deposit formation is related to high temperature, pressure, and dry solids operations in various evaporator effects. These conditions, combined with the poor demisting efficiency in these effects, may have increased black liquor carryover mist in the vapor. Deposit formation also appeared to be related to increased throughput of the foul condensate stripping system and increased pressure in the stripper. Results of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and pyrolysis-gas chromatography mass spectrometry (Py-GCMS) analyses show that the deposit consists of mostly organic matter that likely originated from wood extractives and lignin.

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Open Access
Online monitoring of the size distribution of lime nodules in a full-scale operated lime kiln using an in-situ laser triangulation camera, TAPPI Journal June 2024

ABSTRACT: To maximize efficiency of the recausticizing process in a pulp mill, producing a reburned lime with high and consistent reactivity is process critical. Prior investigations have demonstrated a correlation between the reactivity of lime and its nodule size, as well as the dusting behavior of the kiln. Therefore, monitoring the nodule size produced in the lime kiln could be a promising indirect method to measure the performance of the lime kiln. The objective of this investigation was to evaluate the utility of a laser triangulation camera for online monitoring of nodule size distribution for the lime kiln. A series of full-scale trials were performed in a lime kiln of a kraft pulp mill in which a camera was installed at the exit conveyor to analyze the lime discharging from the kiln. The nodule size distribution was analyzed for correlation with the lime temperature, flue gas temperature, and rotational speed of the kiln. The monitoring demonstrated temporal stability, and the results showed that the lime temperature had the most significant effect on the nodule size. The rotational speed of the lime kiln and the flue gas temperature showed limited effect on nodule size, but they had significant impact on the specific energy demand. The overall conclusion of the study is that the camera methodology effectively correlates lime temperature with nodule size distribution, and it advocates for the methods of implementation in automating lime temperature control, facilitating the production of consistently reactive lime at a lower specific energy consumption.

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Open Access
Understanding the energy and emission implications of new technologies in a kraft mill: Insights from a CADSIM Plus simulation model, TAPPI Journal June 2024

ABSTRACT: Kraft mills play a vital role in energy transition because they have significant potential to reduce their own energy utilization and produce energy/products to decarbonize other sectors. Through biomass combustion and potential biogenic carbon emissions capture, these mills can contribute to offsetting emissions from other sectors. This research investigates the departmental and cross-departmental implications of technology upgrades on energy, steam, emissions, water, and chemicals using a CADSIM Plus simulation model. The model provides a comprehensive analysis of mass and energy balances, offering valuable insights into the benefits and limitations of each technology. The model facilitates scenario analysis and comparisons of process configurations, enabling data-driven decision-making for sustainable and competitive operations. Six high-impact technologies, including additional evaporator effects, weak black liquor membrane concentration, belt displacement washer for brownstock washing, oxygen delignification, and improvements to the pulp machine shoe press and vacuum pumps, are evaluated. Individual technologies resulted in energy savings of 1.2% to 5.4%, biomass consumption reductions of 8.6% to 31.6%, and total emissions reductions of 1.6% to 5.9%. Strategic decision-making must consider existing mill limitations, future technology implementation, and potential production increases. Future research will explore product diversification, biorefineries, and pathways to achieve carbon-negative operations, aiming to reduce emissions and secure a competitive future for kraft mills.

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Open Access
Effects of different soda loss measurement techniques on brownstock quality, TAPPI Journal July 2024

ABSTRACT: The efficiency of the kraft recovery plant, bleaching process, and paper machine are affected when black liquor carryover from the brownstock washers is not controlled well. Measuring soda loss within a mill can vary from using conductivity, either in-situ or with a lab sample of black liquor filtrate squeezed from the last stage washer, to measuring absolute sodium content with a lab sodium specific ion probe or spectrophotometer. While measuring conductivity has value in tracking trends in black liquor losses, it is not an acceptable method in reporting losses in absolute units, typically in lb/ton of pulp. This is further complicated when trying to benchmark soda loss performance across a fleet of mills with multiple washer lines. Not only do the testing methods vary, but the amount of bound soda on high kappa pulps can be significant. This variability creates inconsistent results, and studies are needed to understand the effect of different testing methods on the pulp quality. In this study, soda loss is expressed as sodium sulfate (Na2SO4). Four different methods to measure soda content in pulp off commercial brownstock washers were studied: full digestion (FD), washing soaking overnight and washing (WSW), soaking in boiling water and stirring 10-min (SW-10), and squeeze-no wash (Sq). Total, washable, and bound sodium sulfate calculations were determined for each soda content measuring technique using inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES). Results showed bound and washable sodium sulfate amounts significantly depend on which soda measurement technique was used. In addition, the soda results were correlated with the pulp kappa numbers. As the kappa number increases, bound soda increases, regardless of the soda measurement method used. Impacts of high sodium sulfate in brownstock are also discussed.

Open Access
Value creation by converting pulp mill flue gas streams to green fuels, TAPPI Journal March 2023

ABSTRACT: Climate change mitigation induces strong growth in renewable electricity production, partly driven by shifts in environmental policies and regulation. Intermittent renewable electricity requires supporting systems in the form of sustainable hydrocarbon chemicals such as transportation fuels. Bulk chemical production fits well into a pulp mill environment, given their large volumes, stable operation, and ample supply of biomass-based carbon feed-stock in the form of flue gases. Until now, the utilization of the flue gases from conventional operation of a pulp mill has received little attention. Harnessing these flue gases into usable products could offer additional value to mill operators, while also diversifying their product portfolio. However, electricity-based fuels and products require extra energy in the conversion step and may not be commercially competitive with current fossil products under the current regulation. There might also be uncertainties about future commodity prices. Thus, the objective of this study is to estimate the economic competitiveness and the added value of selected side products that could be produced alongside conventional pulp and paper products. A typical modern pulp mill is modeled in different product configurations and operational environments, which allows testing of various development paths. This illustrates how the overall energy and mass balance of a pulp mill would react to changes in different final products and other parameters. The focus of the study is in synthetic methanol, which is produced from flue gases and excess resources from the mill, with minimal interference to the pulping process. The results aid in assessing the necessity and magnitude of a premium payment for subsidizing green alter-natives to replace current fossil fuels and chemicals. Additionally, the results function as an indicator of the development state of the pulp and paper industry in the turmoil of climate change regulation. The results indicate that power-to-X systems offer one more viable pathway alternative for broadening the product portfolio of the pulp and paper sector, as well as opening new flexibility measures and services to grid stabilization. Market conditions were found to have a significant impact on the perceived profitability.

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