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Showing 1–10 of 13 results (Duration : 0.007 seconds)
Conference papers
Drying Behaviour of Waterwash Solution and the Effect on Com

Drying Behaviour of Waterwash Solution and the Effect on Composite Floor Tube Cracking in Recovery Boilers, 1999 Engineering Conference Proceedings

Conference papers
Design and Operation of a woodwaste Cogeneration Plant, 1999

Design and Operation of a woodwaste Cogeneration Plant, 1999 Engineering Conference Proceedings

Conference papers
ISO/OEC Guide 25: The International Stndard for Laboratories

ISO/OEC Guide 25: The International Stndard for Laboratories, 1996 Process & Product Quality Conference Proceedings

Conference papers
Open Access
Recent advances in the commercialization of NIR (near-infrar

Recent advances in the commercialization of NIR (near-infrared) based liquor analyzers in the pulping and recovery areas, TAPPI JOURNAL, November 2006

Conference papers
Automatic Control System Performance Monitoring, 1999 Proces

Automatic Control System Performance Monitoring, 1999 Process Control, Electrical & Info. Conference Proceedings

Conference papers
Dryer Performance Improvement Strategies for Norampac Contai

Dryer Performance Improvement Strategies for Norampac Containerboard Machines, 1999 Engineering Conference Proceedings

Conference papers
Analysis of the Roll Package's Lifecycle, 1999 Finishing & C

Analysis of the Roll Package's Lifecycle, 1999 Finishing & Converting Conference Proceedings

Conference papers
Phosphonates as Additives in Kraft Pulping, 2001 Pulping Conference Proceedings

Phosphonates as Additives in Kraft Pulping, 2001 Pulping Conference Proceedings

Conference papers
Effects of mud washing and calcining temperature on lime properties, Journal of Pulp and Paper Science, June 2003, Vol. 29(6) (317KB)

Effects of mud washing and calcining temperature on lime properties, Journal of Pulp and Paper Science, June 2003, Vol. 29(6) (317KB)

Conference papers
Alkaline Sulfite Pulping and its Integration with the RTI Absorbtion Technology, 2005 Engineering, Pulping & Environmental Conference

Alkaline Sulfite Pulping and its Integration with the RTI Absorbtion Technology, 2005 Engineering, Pulping & Environmental Conference

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