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Engineered Softwood Could Transform Pulp, Paper, Biofuel Industries

April 20, 2015. Scientists today demonstrated the potential for softwoods to process more easily into pulp and paper if engineered to incorporate a key feature of hardwoods.

Mountains of waste could lead to new U.S. manufacturing, jobs

By Kathleen Phillips, Texas A&M University Researchers at Texas A&M University are exploring ways that lignin waste from pulp and paper operations can be transformed into carbon fibers used in a range of products from tennis rackets to automobiles.

National Labs explore energy-efficient solutions for paper industry

Researchers at two national laboratories are developing new computer simulations that could help papermakers improve energy efficiency and cut energy costs. The project is part of the Department of Energy’s HPC4Mfg initiative, a multi-lab effort to use high-performance computing to address complex challenges in US manufacturing. Project outcomes could have significant benefits; the papermaking industry ranks third among the nation’s largest energy users, behind only petroleum-refining and chemical production, according to the US Energy Information Administration.

Scientists Share Genetic Data of Poplar Trees

This largest-ever SNP dataset may be useful to scientists studying biofuels and lignin. Researchers at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) have released the largest-ever single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) dataset of genetic variations in poplar trees, information useful to plant scientists as well as researchers in the fields of biofuels, materials science, and secondary plant metabolism.

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