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Technical information papers
Guidelines for Procurement of Cast Stainless Steels for Large Pumps and Valves for the Pulp and Paper Industry, Technical Information Paper TIP 0402-25 (2022)

Guidelines for Procurement of Cast Stainless Steels for Large Pumps and Valves for the Pulp and Paper Industry, Technical Information Paper TIP 0402-25 (2022)

Technical information papers
Useful methods
TAPPI Standards, Technical Information Papers, and Useful Methods CD 2020

TAPPI Standards, Technical Information Papers, and Useful Methods CD 2020

Technical information papers
Inspection guidelines for Yankee hood systems, Technical Information Paper TIP 0425-02 (2021)

Inspection guidelines for Yankee hood systems, Technical Information Paper TIP 0425-02 (2021)

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