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Showing 1–10 of 17 results (Duration : 0.007 seconds)
Riddle Me This!

Riddle Me This! Riddle Me This! What do the year 1934, Audio Oscillators, a “Mickey Mouse” type company, a coin toss and $530 have in common with a very well-known 76 year old company that employs

When it rains, it pours… or does it?

When it rains, it pours… or does it? During TAPPI’s recent, very successful, PEERS and IBBC conferences in Tacoma, WA, we had over 400 people registered. There were representatives from 14 countries

A Very Special Visit

A Very Special Visit ABOVE: Russ Wanke (left), president and CEO of Expera, and Larry N. Montague (right) of TAPPI Words to live by: Turning Pulp into Possibilities; Making Big Ideas Fly; All Custom

One of a Kind CEO, one of a Kind Company

One of a Kind CEO, one of a Kind Company Recently a politician made a statement during a campaign speech: "Corporations are not people, people are people." I wish to respectively submit that this

If you Mess it Up, Un-Mess It!

If you Mess it Up, Un-Mess It! "If you mess it up, un-mess it."...Fred von Zueben, retired, CEO, The Newark Group I was with The Newark Group 10 years prior to coming on board with TAPPI. One of the

What a whirlwind in September and October 2016 Volume 1

What a whirlwind in September and October 2016 Volume 1 My travels began with an invitation to be a Keynote speaker at the 27th Pulp and Paper Reliability & Maintenance Conference at IDCON, INC. The

All About Axchem

All About Axchem Booth 703 at PaperCon2016. Sounds less than exciting doesn’t it? Unless you happen to stop by to see what in the world TAPPI’s Newest Sustaining Member Company is all about. I am

Old Home Week

Old Home Week Above are 15 of the 21 in attendance who were not camera shy.   It never ceases to amaze me, when TAPPI Members come together for a corporate visit or TAPPI conference with 100-5,000

There is No Place Like Home

There is No Place Like Home Do you know where Sumter, South Carolina is located? Eric Fletty and I didn’t either. The genesis of our adventure began nearly three years ago from a conversation with

WestRock Production Managers Development Program

WestRock Production Managers Development Program Have you ever had one of those days when you discover a project that makes you say; “Wow, I wish I had thought of that one!”? That happened to me

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