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Journal articles
Quality Immprovement of Mixed Office Paper with Single and Multi Component Enzymes, February 2009

Quality Immprovement of Mixed Office Paper with Single and Multi Component Enzymes, February 2009

Journal articles
First Industrial Flotation Column in a Paperboard Recycling Plant, February 2009

First Industrial Flotation Column in a Paperboard Recycling Plant, February 2009

Journal articles
Fractionation by micro-hole pressure screening and hydrocyclone applied to deinking line rationalization and future manufacturing concept 15APR268

Fractionation by micro-hole pressure screening and hydrocyclone applied to deinking line rationalization and future manufacturing concept, TAPPI JOURNAL April 2015

Journal articles
Cost - A Framework for European Cooperation in Scientific and Technical Research in Deinking, November 2008

Cost - A Framework for European Cooperation in Scientific and Technical Research in Deinking, November 2008

Journal articles
Effects of Dwell Time and Mixing Intensity After High Consistency Pulping of Recycled Papers on Ink Detachment and Fragmentation, February 2010

Effects of Dwell Time and Mixing Intensity After High Consistency Pulping of Recycled Papers on Ink Detachment and Fragmentation, February 2010

Journal articles
Bleaching of Deinked Pulp â?¢ Efficiency and Limitation, February 2010

Bleaching of Deinked Pulp • Efficiency and Limitation, February 2010

Journal articles
Trends in the Use of Recovered Fiber â?¢ Role of Institutional and Market Factors, May 2010

Trends in the Use of Recovered Fiber • Role of Institutional and Market Factors, May 2010

Journal articles
The Effect of Coated Papers on the Recycling of Office Papers Containing Solid Ink Digital Prints. Part I: Deinkability, November 2009

The Effect of Coated Papers on the Recycling of Office Papers Containing Solid Ink Digital Prints. Part I: Deinkability, November 2009

Journal articles
The Effect of Pre-Wetting of Recycled Raw Material Before Pulping in a Deinking Process 09NOVPPR24

The Effect of Pre-Wetting of Recycled Raw Material Before Pulping in a Deinking Process, November 2009

Journal articles
Improving Deinked Pulp Quality by Oxidation With Tempo, August 2009

Improving Deinked Pulp Quality by Oxidation With Tempo, August 2009