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Journal articles
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Open Access
Understanding the energy and emission implications of new technologies in a kraft mill: Insights from a CADSIM Plus simulation model, TAPPI Journal June 2024

ABSTRACT: Kraft mills play a vital role in energy transition because they have significant potential to reduce their own energy utilization and produce energy/products to decarbonize other sectors. Through biomass combustion and potential biogenic carbon emissions capture, these mills can contribute to offsetting emissions from other sectors. This research investigates the departmental and cross-departmental implications of technology upgrades on energy, steam, emissions, water, and chemicals using a CADSIM Plus simulation model. The model provides a comprehensive analysis of mass and energy balances, offering valuable insights into the benefits and limitations of each technology. The model facilitates scenario analysis and comparisons of process configurations, enabling data-driven decision-making for sustainable and competitive operations. Six high-impact technologies, including additional evaporator effects, weak black liquor membrane concentration, belt displacement washer for brownstock washing, oxygen delignification, and improvements to the pulp machine shoe press and vacuum pumps, are evaluated. Individual technologies resulted in energy savings of 1.2% to 5.4%, biomass consumption reductions of 8.6% to 31.6%, and total emissions reductions of 1.6% to 5.9%. Strategic decision-making must consider existing mill limitations, future technology implementation, and potential production increases. Future research will explore product diversification, biorefineries, and pathways to achieve carbon-negative operations, aiming to reduce emissions and secure a competitive future for kraft mills.

Journal articles
Magazine articles
Open Access
Utilization of kraft pulp mill residuals, TAPPI Journal February 2022

ABSTRACT: Kraft pulp mills produce on average about 100 kg of solid residuals per metric ton of pulp produced. The main types of mill waste are sludge from wastewater treatment plants, ash from hog fuel boilers, dregs, grits, and lime mud from causticizing plants and lime dust from lime kilns. Of these, about half is disposed of in landfills, which highlights the need and potential for waste recycling and utilization. Sludge is either incinerated in hog fuel boilers to generate steam and power or used in various forms of land application, including land spreading, composting, or as an additive for landfill or mine waste covers. The majority of hog fuel boiler ash and causticizing plant residues is landfilled. Alkaline residuals can be conditioned for use in land application, manufacture of construction materials, and production of aggregates for road work. This technical review summarizes residuals utilization methods that have been applied in pulp and paper mills at demonstration- or full-scale, and therefore may act as a guide for mill managers and operators whose goal is to diminish the costs and the environmental impact of waste management.

Journal articles
Magazine articles
Open Access
Control of malodorous gases emission from wet-end white water with hydrogen peroxide, TAPPI Journal October 2021

ABSTRACT: White water is highly recycled in the papermaking process so that its quality is easily deteriorated, thus producing lots of malodorous gases that are extremely harmful to human health and the environment. In this paper, the effect of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) on the control of malodorous gases released from white water was investigated. The results showed that the released amount of total volatile organic compounds (TVOC) decreased gradually with the increase of H2O2 dosage. Specifically, the TVOC emission reached the minimum as the H2O2 dosage was 1.5 mmol/L, and meanwhile, the hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and ammonia (NH3) were almost completely removed. It was also found that pH had little effect on the release of TVOC as H2O2 was added, but it evidently affect-ed the release of H2S and NH3. When the pH value of the white water was changed to 4.0 or 9.0, the emission of TVOC decreased slightly, while both H2S and NH3 were completely removed in both cases. The ferrous ions (Fe2+) and the copper ions (Cu2+) were found to promote the generation of hydroxyl radicals (HO•) out of H2O2, enhancing its inhibition on the release of malodorous gases from white water. The Fe2+/H2O2 system and Cu2+/H2O2 system exhibited similar efficiency in inhibiting the TVOC releasing, whereas the Cu2+/H2O2 system showed better perfor-mance in removing H2S and NH3.

Journal articles
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Open Access
Production of antimicrobial paper using nanosilver, nanocellulose, and chitosan from a coronavirus perspective, TAPPI Journal July 2021

ABSTRACT: The pulp and paper industry has an opportunity to play a vital role in breaking the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic through production that supports widespread use of antimicrobial paper. This paper provides a brief review of paper and paper-related industries, such as those producing relevant additives, and R&D organizations that are actively engaged in developing antimicrobial papers. The focus here is on the potential of three nano-additives for use in production of antimicrobial papers that combat coronavirus: nanosilver, nanocellulose, and chitosan. Various recent developments in relevant areas and concepts underlining the fight against coronavirus are also covered, as are related terms and concepts.

Magazine articles
Open Access
Using climate change policies for u.s. pulp and paper industry efficiency, TAPPI JOURNAL, July 2000, Vol. 83(7)

Using climate change policies for u.s. pulp and paper industry efficiency, TAPPI JOURNAL, July 2000, Vol. 83(7)

Magazine articles
Open Access
What's new with tappi test methods?, TAPPI JOURNAL, September 2000, Vol. 83(9)

What's new with tappi test methods?, TAPPI JOURNAL, September 2000, Vol. 83(9)

Journal articles
Open Access
The association angle: CPPA on Canada, TAPPI JOURNAL, January 1997, Vol. 80(1)

The association angle: cppa on canada, TAPPI JOURNAL, January 1997, Vol. 80(1)

Journal articles
Open Access
Power Plant Optimization: Real-time, model-based power plant optimizer significantly reduces energy costs, December 1995 Tappi Journal [95Dec61.pdf]

Real-time, model-based power plant optimizer significantly reduces energy costs, TAPPI JOURNAL, December 1995, Vol. 78(12)

Journal articles
Subscription Access
Kaukas mills benefit from renovations, TAPPI JOURNAL, January 1998, Vol. 81(1)

Kaukas mills benefit from renovations, TAPPI JOURNAL, January 1998, Vol. 81(1)

Journal articles
Open Access
Deinking with enzymes: a review, TAPPI JOURNAL, December 1998, Vol. 81(12)

Deinking with enzymes: a review, TAPPI JOURNAL, December 1998, Vol. 81(12)