Improving Sustainability with QCS Life Cycle Management

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Improving Sustainability with QCS Life Cycle Management

Since inception, Quality Control Systems (QCS) have played an integral role in the quality and efficiency of the paper industry. However, there are instances when needed capital dollars for upgrades are just not available. Agility is therefore required to sustain the life of the QCS while maintaining or improving profitability. QCS engineers have found solution to improve the QCS life cycle and prolong the need for capital. These include system virtualization, recycled or repaired parts, alternative parts solutions, better preparedness for corrective maintenance evolutions, and improved preventative maintenance programs. Learn more about how these options can help you prolong the life of your QCS.

This webinar was sponsored by TAPPI's Process Control Division. To learn more, click here.


David Maddux became a QCS professional in 1990 when he joined Measurex as a field engineer. Through the years he has held positions as site leader, project manager, Account manager, and Process Controls Engineer while working for Honeywell, ABB, Champion Paper, International Paper and TSP. His vast experience of working for the OEM and paper companies, allows him to analyze the QCS from a unique perspective. David has a Bachelor of Science degree from Bryan College. He is currently the Southeastern Business Manager for TSP where he responsible for managing the field engineers, service contracts, customer service and increasing the customer base for his area. David serves on the Process Control Division Council of TAPPI.